Summary This prospective study of 63,090 Norwegian women with 124 cases of thyroid cancer diagnosed during 1961 -1989 (McTiernan et al., 1984;Ron et al., 1987;Preston-Martin et al., 1987;Franceschi et al., 1990a). In autopsy studies, no significant sex and age contrasts in the frequency of occult microcarcinomas seem to be present (Fukunaga & Yatani, 1975) On the basis of the total number of cases included in any particular analysis, the expected number was found for each level of the study variable, assuming no association with cancer (Thomas & Gart, 1983 Times of death and emigration were taken into account in the calculation of expected numbers (Tarone, 1975). The analyses were adjusted for age at the start of follow-up (with 5-year age groups), county and in special cases other demographic and reproductive variables. The adjustments were made by forming a stratum for each combination of covariables. The analyses also produced two-tailed P-values for linear trend. Stratified logistic regression analyses were carried out according to the procedure described by Thomas and Gart (1983). In the estimation procedure, a correction for death and emigration was introduced by decreasing the initial number at risk by half the number of such events occurring among those who did not develop thyroid cancer. Due to missing values for certain reproductive variables, the number of cases varied somewhat between analyses. The majority of the women aged 49 years or less at the start of the follow-up were premenopausal at the time of interview. Consequently, the information on number of births will be incomplete for some participants in this age category. Therefore, in addition to the analyses that included all age groups, separate analyses were performed based on the participants aged 49 years or less and those aged 50 or more at the start of follow-up. Separate analyses were also carried out in subgroups according to age at diagnosis, < 54, 55-69, >70 years. Table I shows the distribution of cases according to demographic variables. The risk of thyroid cancer was highest in the counties of Aust-Agder and Tr0ndelag, whereas no urban/rural gradient was observed. Increased risk was observed in the occupational category fishing, ships officers, crew (odds ratio estimate, based on stratified logistic regression: 2.14, 95% CI: 1.30-3.54 for the total series).
Demographic factors