This series represents a secondary level of scientifiic publishing. All issues employ thorough internal scientific review; some issues employ external scientific review. Reviews are --by design --transparent collegial reviews, not anonymous peer reviews. All issues may be cited in formal scientific communications.
NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NE-148Editorial Notes on Issues 122-152 in the NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NE Series
Editorial ProductionFor Issues 122-152, staff of the Northeast Fisheries Science Center's (NEFSC's) Ecosystems Processes Division have largely assumed the role of staff of the NEFSC's Editorial Office for technical and copy editing, type composition, and page layout. Other than the four covers (inside and outside, front and back) and first two preliminary pages, all preprinting editorial production has been performed by, and all credit for such production rightfully belongs to, the authors and acknowledgees of each issue, as well as those noted below in "Special Acknowledgments."
Special AcknowledgmentsDavid B. Packer, Sara J. Griesbach, and Luca M. Cargnelli coordinated virtually all aspects of the preprinting editorial production, as well as performed virtually all technical and copy editing, type composition, and page layout, of Issues 122-152. Rande R. Cross, Claire L. Steimle, and Judy D. Berrien conducted the literature searching, citation checking, and bibliographic styling for Issues 122-152. Joseph J. Vitaliano produced all of the food habits figures in Issues 122-152.
Internet AvailabilityIssues 122-152 are being copublished, i.e., both as paper copies and as web postings. All web postings are, or will soon be, available at: Also, all web postings will be in "PDF" format.
Information UpdatingBy federal regulation, all information specific to Issues 122-152 must be updated at least every five years. All official updates will appear in the web postings. Paper copies will be reissued only when and if new information associated with Issues 122-152 is significant enough to warrant a reprinting of a given issue. All updated and/or reprinted issues will retain the original issue number, but bear a "Revised (Month Year)" label.
Species NamesThe NMFS Northeast Regions policy on the use of species names in all technical communications is generally to follow the American Fisheries Societys lists of scientific and common names for fishes (i.e., Robins et al. 1991 a ), mollusks (i.e., Turgeon et al. 1998 b ), and decapod crustaceans (i.e., Williams et al. 1989 c ), and to follow the Society for Marine Mammalogy's guidance on scientific and common names for marine mammals (i.e., Rice 1998