The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has spread almost throughout the world. It makes all educational institutions in Indonesia experienced a lockdown in an undetermined time. As a result, teachers must switch to online teaching methods, while students must adapt to the online learning environment in a short time. Vocational education emphasizes not only the mastery of knowledge but also skills. In the learning process, students' perceptions can be used as evaluations to improve the quality of learning. This study aimed to provide an overview of students' perceptions of Mechanical Engineering Education on online learning as a result of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. This study used survey methods and data collection in the form of instruments with a Likert scale with a sample of 56 students. The results of this study indicate that teachers in managing online learning are not in line with student expectations. Students feel that online learning has not provided better experience and productivity in mastering competencies, but can provide motivation and ease in their learning. Some students stated that they had the ease of access to resources, but students were still reluctant to use it sustainably in the future.
International surveys, such as TIMSS and PISA, frequently put Indonesia in the low ranks. It is an indication that the higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) of students in Indonesia are still low. This research aims to analyze students’ difficulties in solving problems that measure HOTS. This is a case study research with a qualitative approach. Participants studied were 93 high school students in grade XI. Data were collected using test instruments that measure HOTS, which was developed based on the standard contents of high school mathematics. The difficulties were analyzed descriptively by observing students’ errors in answering HOTS test items. Students’ errors were classified based on Newman’s Error Procedure (NEP). The result shows that around 8.33% of the students had difficulties in comprehension, 15.59% in transformation, 32.53% in process skills, and 1.34 % in encoding. Keywords: HOTS problem in mathematics, students’ difficulties, case study, Newman’s error procedure.
The objective of this study was to identify teachers' difficulties in implementing thematic learning in elementary schools. The study was phenomenology-type qualitative research. Data were collected through interviews followed by focus group discussion; the focus group discussion involved 15 elementary school teachers from eight provinces that had implemented Curriculum 2013. The data were analyzed by means of Cresswell's steps. The results of the study showed that teachers encountered obstacles in selecting appropriate problems and themes within thematic, scientific and problem-based learning and in managing time for project-based learning. The availability of learning facilities was still limited. The problems found at the assessment stage was the teachers' capacity in selecting appropriate techniques, in creating good instruments and in formulating clear assessment criteria.
Tujuan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) tingkat kesiapan kerja, pengalaman praktik, prestasi belajar dasar kejuruan, dan dukungan orang tua, (2) adanya pengaruh pengalaman praktik, prestasi belajar dasar kejuruan, dukungan orang tua baik secara sendiri – sendiri maupun bersama - sama terhadap kesiapan kerja siswa SMK, (3) seberapa besar pengaruh pengalaman praktik, prestasi belajar dasar kejuruan, dukungan orang tua secara sendiri dan bersama - sama terhadap kesiapan kerja siswa SMK. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey dengan pendekatan ex post facto. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif, analisis regresi linier sederhana dan analisis regresi ganda dengan bantuan software SPSS 16. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) kesiapan kerja siswa tinggi (84%), pengalaman praktek tinggi (72%), prestasi belajar dasar kejuruan rendah (36%), dukungan orang tua sangat tinggi (54%), (2) terdapat pengaruh pengalaman praktik, prestasi belajar dasar kejuruan, dukungan orang tua secara sendiri maupun bersama – sama terhadap kesiapan kerja, dan (3) sumbangan efektif variabel pengalaman praktik, prestasi belajar dasar kejuruan, dan dukungan orang tua terhadap kesiapan kerja (R2 ) sebesar 39,6% dan sumbangan efektif masing – masing variabel yaitu pengalaman praktik 23,1%, prestasi belajar dasar kejuruan 6,4%, dan dukungan orang tua 9,6%. THE INFLUENCE OF PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE, BASIC VOCATIONAL LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT AND PARENT’S SUPPORT ASPECTS TOWARDS WORK READINESS OF THE STUDENTS IN VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOLSAbstractThe purpose of this study is designed to reveal: (1) the level of work readiness, practical experience, basic vocational achievement,and parent’s support (2)there is an influence of practical experience, basic vocational achievement towards, parent’s support jointly and severally towards work readiness (3) how much an influence of practical experience, basic vocational achievement towards, parent’ s support jointly and severally towards work readiness. This was a survey research with ex post facto approach study. The data were analyzed using the descriptive analysis technique, simple liner regression analysis and multiple regression analysis with the help of software SPSS 16.00. The result showed: (1) the work readiness was high (84%), practical experience was high (54%), learning achievement in basic vocational was low (36%), parent’s support was very high (54%) (2) there is an influence of practical experience, basic vocational achievement towards, parent’ s support jointly and severally towards work readiness (3) the effect of practical experience, basic vocational achievement towards, parent’ s support jointly and severally towards work readiness (R2 ) 39,6% and the effect of each predictor was 23,1% practical experience, 6,4% basic vocational achievement towards, and 9,6% of parent’ s support.
This study aims at investigating the difference of creativity between the students treated with the StudentCentered Learning (SCL) ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan perbedaan kreativitas antara mahasiswa yang mengikuti perkuliahan dengan strategi pembelajaran Student-Centered Learning (SCL) dan strategi pembelajaran langsung. Metode penelitian menggunakan eksperimen semu dengan desain nonequivalent control group design dan dilaksanakan dengan rancangan faktorial 2x2. Populasi penelitian adalah 40 mahasiswa yang mengikuti perkuliahan Perancangan Kostruksi Fabrikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) Nilai kreativitas mahasiswa dengan strategi pembelajaran SCL (rerata 42,65) adalah lebih tinggi daripada yang mengikuti strategi pembelajaran langsung (rerata 39), 2) Mahasiswa yang memiliki kemampuan spasial tinggi, nilai kreativitas mahasiswa dengan strategi pembelajaran SCL (rerata 49) adalah lebih tinggi daripada kreativitas mahasiswa dengan strategi pembelajaran langsung (rerata 36,3). 3) Mahasiswa yang memiliki kemampuan spasial rendah, nilai kreativitas mahasiswa dengan strategi pembelajaran SCL (rerata 36,3) adalah lebih rendah daripada kreativitas mahasiswa dengan strategi pembelajaran langsung (rerata 41,70), 4) Terdapat interaksi antara strategi pembelajaran dengan kemampuan spasial dalam pengaruhnya terhadap kreativitas.Kata Kunci: Kemampuan Spasial, Kreatifitas, Strategi Pembelajaran SCL PENDAHULUANSeiring dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang semakin pesat mengakibatkan terjadinya perubahan di berbagai bidang kehidupan yang memerlukan sumber daya manusia yang lebih berkualitas. Pendidikan memiliki peran strategis dalam mewujudkan sumber daya manusia yang kreatif, sehingga mampu menciptakan produkproduk baru yang mempunyai keunggulan kompetitif, dan berkualitas.Salah satu upaya peningkatan ketrampilan dan keahlian sumber daya manusia yang dikembangkan adalah sistem pendidikan kejuruan berdasarkan kompetensi yang relevan dengan kebutuhan pasar. Tenaga kerja yang dibutuhkan adalah tenaga kerja yang memiliki kompetensi sesuai dengan bidangnya, memiliki kemampuan adaptasi dan daya saing yang tinggi. Pendidikan kejuruan merupakan upaya menyediakan stimulus berupa pengalaman belajar untuk membantu mereka dalam mengembangkan diri dan potensinya. Oleh karena itu, keunikan tiap individu dalam berinteraksi dengan dunia luar melalui pengalaman belajar merupakan upaya terintegrasi guna menunjang proses perkembangan mahasiswa secara optimal.Pemilihan strategi pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan tujuan kurikulum dan potensi mahasiswa merupakan kemampuan dan ke-
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