Pavement deterioration that happens at the highways causing huge losses, particularly for road users, such as increased journey time, congestions, accidents and etc. Moreover, the oncoming vehicles at slow speed will create more pollution through greater emissions and its impression on human wellness. This research examines how road damages effects of the vehicle speed subsequently to the motor vehicle emission. This research stages begins with assessment of pavement condition uses PCI methods, six locations with different pavement conditions (excellent, very good, good, fair, poor, very poor) are selected and calculated the average of vehicles speed on those locations. In the next stage, calculated emissions in six locations use mobilev software. The outcomes of this research indicate that in excellent roads condition, vehicle's average speed is 65,38 km/h, CO emissions by 20818.63 g/h/km, CO2 emissions by 1632864.82 g/km/h, NO2 emissions by 476.39 g/h/km, Particulate Mass by 168.078 g/h/km, SO2 emissions by 4.262 g/h/km. In really poor road condition, vehicle' average speed is 29.09 km/h, CO emissions by 21393.74 g/h/km, CO2 emissions by 1671812.447 g/h/km, NO2 emissions by 488.74 g/h/km, Particulate Mass emissions by 172.238 g/h/km, SO2 emissions by 4.359 g/h/km. The finale has been noticed that there is a decrease in vehicle's speed by 55 % in very poor road condition compared to excellent road condition. The average emission exhausted from the vehicles increase by 2.49 % in very poor road condition compared to first-class shape. Thus, it is necessary to keep the road condition in order to cut down the difficulties caused to the vehicle users and to keep the atmosphere in excellent shape.