Jatropha hybridization conducted in ISFCRI has resulted in genotypes with various agronomic traits. The biplot analysis was used to evaluate the relationship between agronomic and yield trait, the genotype by trait (GT), and genotype by yield*trait (GYT). Ten genotypes were planted in Pasirian, Lumajang, East Java from 2018 to 2019. Ten parameters were observed namely: plant height, harvest time, number of branches per plant (primary, secondary and tertiary branches), inflorescence number per plant, fruit cluster number per plant, fruit number per plant, 100 seed weight, and seed weight per plant. Based on GT biplot and Pearson Correlation, there was a strong positive correlation between yield and plant height, tertiary branch, fruit cluster, inflorescence number, and seed weight. The GYT biplot showed that genotype No. 6 had the best performance in combining yield and primary branch, secondary branch, and inflorescent number. The genotype No. 10 had the largest values in combining yield with the seven other traits. In this study, the GYT biplot approach can be used to identify the best genotypes in correlation between yield with other traits. Therefore, this approach can be applied to overcome the problem of genotypes selection based on several traits, in the Jatropha breeding program.
<p>Jarak pagar (Jatropha curcas L.) merupakan tanaman penghasil minyak nabati sebagai bahan baku bio-diesel. Selama ini, kebutuhan bahan tanam diperoleh dari benih dan setek. Teknik mikropropagasi khususnya melalui embriogenesis somatik merupakan alternatif untuk penyediaan bahan tanam dalam jumlah besar dengan waktu relatif lebih singkat. Jenis eksplan, genotipe, dan kondisi fisiologis tanaman donor serta jenis dan kondisi fisik mediummerupakan faktor utama yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan embriogenesis somatik. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui eksplan dan komposisi media yang tepat untuk induksi kalus embriogenesis somatik, perkecambahan embrio somatik dan pertumbuhan tunas hasil embriogenesis somatik. Penelitian dilaksanakan di laboratorium Kultur Jaringan, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat mulai bulan April sampai dengan November 2011, meliputi tiga tahap, yaitu 1) menguji komposisi media untuk induksi kalus embriogenesis somatik antara lain M1=MS+0,5 mg/l BAP+0,5 mg 2,4 D; M2= MS+1 mg/l BAP +0,5 mg/l 2,4 D; M3= MS+0,5 mg/l BAP+0,2 mg/l TDZ, dan M4= MS+1 mg/l BAP+0,2 mg/l TDZ; 2) menguji komposisi media untuk induksi perkecambahan embrio somatik antara lain MK1= MS+0,5 mg/l BAP+0,1 mg/l NAA dan MK2= MS+0,5 mg/l BAP+0,4 mg/l IBA; dan 3) menguji komposisi media untuk pertumbuhan tunas embrio somatik antara lain MP1= MS+0,5 mg/l BAP+0,1 mg/l IBA dan MP2= MS+0,5 mg/l BAP+0,1 mg/l IAA. Bahan tanam yang digunakan adalah genotipe IP-3A dan IP-3M dengan sumber eksplan kotiledon dan daun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kombinasi MS+0,5 mg/l BAP+0,2 mg/l TDZ dengan sumber eksplan kotiledon paling sesuai untuk induksi kalus embriogenesis somatik. Genotipe IP-3M memiliki respon yang lebih baik disbanding IP-3A dan stabil dari tahap induksi kalus embriogenis somatik, induksi perkecambahan embrio somatik, dan pertumbuhan tunas embrio somatik.</p><p> </p><p>Jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.) is an oil producing plants as source of bio-diesel. Planting materials usually are obtained from seeds and stem-cuttings. Micro-propagation techniques especially through somatic embryo-genesis is an alternative to provide a large number of planting material in a relatively short time. Explant sources, genotype and physicological conditions of donor plants, also composition and physical condition of medium are the main factors affecting the successful of somatic embryogenesis. The study was conducted to determine the most suitable combination of explant and media composition for embryogenic calli induc-tion, somatic embryo germination, and shoots growth derived from somatic embryogenesis. The experiment was conducted in the Tissue Culture Laboratory, of Indonesian Sweetener and Fiber Crops Research Insti-tute from April to November 2011 covering three phases: 1) testing media composition to induce somatic embryogenic calli i.e. M1=MS+0.5 mg/l BAP+0.5 mg 2.4 D; M2 = MS+1 mg/l BAP+0.5 mg/l 2.4 D; M3 = MS+0.5 mg/l BAP+0.2 mg/l TDZ and M4 = MS+1 mg/l BAP+ 0.2 mg/l TDZ; 2) testing media composition to induce somatic embryo germination i.e. MK1 = MS+0.5 mg/l BAP+0.1 mg/l NAA and MK2 = MS+0.5 mg/l BAP+0.4 mg/l IBA; and 3) testing media composition to induce somatic embryo shoot growth i.e. MP1 = MS+0.5 mg/l BAP+0.1 mg/l IBA and MP2= MS+0.5 mg/l BAP+0.1 mg/l IAA. Plant material used are genotype IP-3A and IP-3M with cotyledone and leaf as explant sources. The results showed that combination of MS+0.5 mg/l BAP+0.2 mg/l TDZ and cotyledons as explants source is the most suitable for somatic embryogenic calli. IP-3M genotype showed a better response to IP-3A and stable from induction of somatic embryogenic calli, somatic embryo germination, and somatic embryo shoots growth.</p>
<p><span lang="IN">Agave (<em>Agave sisalana</em> Perrine) merupakan tanaman penghasil serat alam</span><span lang="IN">. Pengembangan agave terkendala penyediaan bahan tanam bermutu. Teknik kultur jaringan dapat menghasilkan</span><span lang="IN"> benih agave dalam jumlah banyak dengan kualitas yang seragam</span><span lang="IN">. </span><span lang="IN">Tujuan penelitian </span><span lang="IN">adalah </span><span lang="IN">untuk </span><span lang="IN">mendapatkan </span><span lang="IN">komposisi media</span><span lang="IN"> terbaik dalam induksi tunas dan akar lima genotipe agave pada kultur <em>in vitro</em>. </span><span lang="IN">Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan Balittas dari bulan Juli</span><span lang="IN"> 2015</span><span lang="IN"> sampai Juni 2016. Sumber eksplan adalah tunas aseptik agave genotipe Balittas 10, Balittas 12, Balittas 13, Balittas 14</span><span>,</span><span lang="IN"> dan H-11648 dari kultur <em>in vitro</em></span><span lang="IN">. </span><span lang="IN">Rancangan penelitian </span><span>yang di</span><span lang="IN">gu</span><span lang="IN">nakan rancangan acak lengkap faktorial </span><span lang="IN">(</span><span lang="IN">dua faktor</span><span lang="IN">,</span><span lang="IN"> tiga ulangan</span><span lang="IN">)</span><span lang="IN">. Faktor I</span><span lang="IN"> adalah komposisi media dan faktor II adalah genotipe. Komposisi media induksi tunas: </span><span lang="IN">M1 (MS + BAP 0,5 mg/l + IBA 0,5 mg/l); M2 (MS + BAP 1 mg/l + IBA 0,5 mg/l)</span><span>,</span><span lang="IN"> dan M3 (MS + BAP 1,5 mg/l + IBA 0,5 mg/l)</span><span lang="IN">. Komposisi media perakaran: </span><span lang="IN">M1 (MS + arang aktif 2 g/l); M2 (MS + arang aktif 2 g/l + IBA 0,5 mg/l); M3 (MS + arang aktif 2 g/l + IBA 1 g/l); M4 (MS + arang aktif 2 g/l + NAA 0,5 mg/l)</span><span>,</span><span lang="IN"> dan M5 (MS + arang aktif 2 g/l + NAA 1 mg/l)</span><span lang="IN">. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan komposisi media induksi tunas menghasilkan jumlah tunas (1,09–1,33) dan kecepatan induksi (4 minngu) yang tidak berbeda nyata. Komposisi media induksi akar yang terbaik adalah media M4 (</span><span lang="IN">MS + arang aktif 2 g/l + NAA 0,5 mg/l</span><span lang="IN">) dengan jumlah akar 4,53. Genotipe Balittas 14 menghasilkan jumlah tunas dan jumlah akar yang paling tinggi dibandingkan genotipe lain (1,56 tunas dan 4,59 akar).</span></p><p> </p><p><strong>The Effect of Media Composition on The Induction of Shoot and Roots and of Five Agave Clones on In Vitro Culture</strong></p><p><span lang="IN">Agave (<em>Agave sisalana</em> Perrine) </span><span lang="IN">is a plant that produce</span><span lang="IN">natural</span><span lang="IN">fibre. </span><span lang="IN">Agave </span><span lang="IN">cultivation for commercial use </span><span lang="IN">is </span><span lang="IN">still limited by the availability of good plant materials. <em>In vitro</em> culture technique can produce </span><span lang="IN">a large amount of plant material with same quality in relatively short time. The </span><span lang="IN">study aimed </span><span lang="IN">to obtain a suitable medi</span><span>um</span><span lang="IN"> composition </span><span lang="IN">for <em>in vitro</em> </span><span lang="IN">shoot multiplication</span><span lang="IN"> and root induction for five agave genotypes.</span><span lang="IN"> The experiment </span><span lang="IN">was </span><span lang="IN">conducted from Jul</span><span lang="IN">y 2015</span><span lang="IN"> to Jun</span><span lang="IN">e</span><span lang="IN"> 2016 in Tissue Culture Laboratory of Indonesian Sweetener and Fibre Crops Research Institute. Explant source </span><span lang="IN">derived</span><span lang="IN"> from </span><span lang="IN">aseptic shoot of agave genotypes</span><span>Balittas </span><span lang="IN">10, 12, 13, 14</span><span>,</span><span lang="IN"> and</span><span lang="IN">H-11648 in </span><em><span lang="IN">in </span><span lang="IN">vitro</span></em><span lang="IN"> ISFCRI germplasm collection. The experiment was arranged in factorial complete random design </span><span lang="IN">(</span><span lang="IN">two factors</span><span lang="IN">: media composition, genotype</span><span>,</span><span lang="IN"> and </span><span lang="IN">three replication</span><span lang="IN">). Shoot induction media:</span><span lang="IN"> M1 (MS + BAP 0</span><span>.</span><span lang="IN">5 mg/l + IBA 0</span><span>.</span><span lang="IN">5 mg/l); M2 (MS + BAP 1 mg/l + IBA 0</span><span>.</span><span lang="IN">5 mg/l)</span><span>;</span><span lang="IN">and</span><span lang="IN"> M3 (MS + BAP 1</span><span>.</span><span lang="IN">5 mg/l + IBA 0</span><span>.</span><span lang="IN">5 mg/l)</span><span lang="IN">. Root induction media: </span><span lang="IN">M1 (MS + </span><span lang="IN">active carbon</span><span>(AC) </span><span lang="IN">2 g/l); M2 (MS + </span><span>AC</span><span lang="IN">2 g/l + IBA 0,5 mg/l); M3 (MS + </span><span>AC</span><span lang="IN"> 2 g/l + IBA 1 g/l); M4 (MS + </span><span>AC</span><span lang="IN"> 2 g/l + NAA 0,5 mg/l)</span><span>;</span><span lang="IN">and</span><span lang="IN"> M5 (MS + </span><span>AC</span><span lang="IN"> 2 g/l + NAA 1 mg/l)</span><span lang="IN">. The results showed that the shoot induction media compositions were not differ significantly on shoot numbers (1</span><span>.</span><span lang="IN">09–1</span><span>.</span><span lang="IN">33) and time for shoot induction (4 weeks). The best composition medi</span><span>um</span><span lang="IN"> of root induction was M4 (</span><span lang="IN">MS + </span><span>AC</span><span lang="IN"> 2 g/l + NAA 0</span><span>.</span><span lang="IN">5 mg/l</span><span lang="IN">), that yielded 4</span><span>.</span><span lang="IN">53 root numbers. Balittas 14 genotype yielded the highest shoot and root numbers (1,56 shoot numbers and 4</span><span>.</span><span lang="IN">59 root numbers).</span></p>
Jatropha curcas L. is a potential bioenergy crop but has a lack of improved cultivars with high yields and oil content. Therefore, increasing our understanding of J. curcas germplasm is important for designing breeding strategies. This study was performed to investigate the genetic diversity and population structure of Indonesian J. curcas populations from six different islands. To construct a reference, we de novo assembled the scaffolds (N50 = 355.5 kb) using 182 Gb Illumina HiSeq sequencing data from Thai J. curcas variety Chai Nat. Genetic diversity analysis among 52 Indonesian J. curcas accessions was conducted based on yield traits and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers detected by mapping genotyping-by-sequencing reads from Indonesian population to Chai Nat scaffolds. Strong variation in yield traits was detected among accessions. Using J. integerrima as an outgroup, 13,916 SNPs were detected. Among J. curcas accessions, including accessions from other countries (Thailand, the Philippines and China), 856 SNPs were detected, but only 297 SNPs were detected among Indonesian J. curcas populations, representing low genetic diversity. Through phylogenetic and structural analysis, the populations were clustered into two major groups. Group one consists of populations from Bangka and Sulawesi in the northern part of Indonesia, which are located at a distance of 1572.59 km. Group two contains populations from islands in the southern part: Java, Lombok-Sumbawa, Flores and Timor. These results indicate that introduction of diverse J. curcas germplasms is necessary for the improvement of the genetic variation in the Indonesian collections.
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