<p>ABSTRAK<br /><br />Kenaf merupakan tanaman penghasil serat alam yang memiliki banyak produk diversifikasi dengan nilai ekonomi tinggi dan ramah lingkungan. Kontribusi kenaf terhadap lingkungan juga dikenal melalui kemampuannya yang tinggi dalam menyerap karbondioksida. Karbondioksida (CO2) adalah gas penyumbang efek rumah kaca utama yang sebagiannya dihasilkan secara antropogenik. Penyimpanan karbon oleh tanaman menjadi salah satu langkah paling penting dalam mitigasi gas rumah kaca. Tingginya absorbsi karbondioksida oleh kenaf dipengaruhi oleh laju fotosintesis yang tinggi, meskipun kenaf termasuk dalam tumbuhan C3. Laju fotosintesis kenaf didukung oleh aktivitas RuBP karboksilase, konduktansi stomata, dan hasil biomasa tanaman yang tinggi. Laju fotosintesis kenaf mencapai 3-8 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan pohon dan tanaman C3 lainnya. Berdasarkan biomasa yang dihasilkan, kenaf siap panen umur 4-5 bulan menyimpan 2,9-12,1 ton C/ha atau menyerap 21-89 ton CO2/ha/tahun tergantung pada manajemen agronomi dan kondisi lingkungannya. Dengan luas lahan kenaf di Indonesia saat ini kurang lebih 3000 ha, maka serapan CO2 per tahun mencapai 63-267 ribu ton. Selain sebagai penyimpan karbon dalam waktu lama, beberapa produk diversifikasi kenaf seperti interior dan komponen mobil, peredam suara, serta pulp dan kertas juga turut berkontribusi mengurangi emisi CO2 melalui penghematan energi, serta mengurangi laju deforestasi dan emisi gas berbahaya lainnya. Pengembangan kenaf diharapkan mampu membantu pemerintah Indonesia dalam upaya menurunkan emisi gas rumah kaca serta menyediakan bahan baku serat alam untuk kebutuhan industri yang ramah lingkungan.<br />Kata kunci: Kenaf, absorbsi karbondioksida<br /><br />ABSTRACT</p><p>Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) Benefits in Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Sequestration<br /><br />Kenaf is a natural fiber crop that have a lot of diversified products with high economic value and environmental functions. Kenaf contribution to the environment is also known through a high ability to absorb carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas is the main anthropogenic contributor to the greenhouse effect. Carbon sequestration by plants became one of the most important steps to greenhouse gases mitigation. The high absorption of carbon dioxide by kenaf affected by the high photosynthetic rate, although kenaf belongs to the group of C3 plants. Kenaf photosynthetic rate supported by high RuBP carboxilase activity, high stomatal conductance, and high plant biomass production. Kenaf photosynthetic rate reaches 3-8 times higher than trees and other C3 plants. Based on biomass produced, kenaf ready for harvest on 4-5 months plant age saved 2,9-12,1 tonnes C/ha or absorb 21-89 tonnes CO2/ha/year depending on the agronomic management and environmental conditions. Nowadays, land area of kenaf in Indonesia is approximately 3000 ha, therefore the absorption of CO2 reaches about 63-267 million tonnes/year. As well as carbon sink in long time, some kenaf diversified products such as car interior and automobile components, sound absorber, and pulp and paper also contribute to reducing CO2 emissions through savings of energy and decreasing deforestation rate and other harmful gas emissions. Development of kenaf plantation is expected to help the Indonesian government in an effort to reducing greenhouse gas emissions as well as providing the raw materials of natural fiber for environmentally friendly industrial raw materials.<br />Keywords : Hibiscus cannabinus L., carbon dioxide sequestration</p>
Jatropha hybridization conducted in ISFCRI has resulted in genotypes with various agronomic traits. The biplot analysis was used to evaluate the relationship between agronomic and yield trait, the genotype by trait (GT), and genotype by yield*trait (GYT). Ten genotypes were planted in Pasirian, Lumajang, East Java from 2018 to 2019. Ten parameters were observed namely: plant height, harvest time, number of branches per plant (primary, secondary and tertiary branches), inflorescence number per plant, fruit cluster number per plant, fruit number per plant, 100 seed weight, and seed weight per plant. Based on GT biplot and Pearson Correlation, there was a strong positive correlation between yield and plant height, tertiary branch, fruit cluster, inflorescence number, and seed weight. The GYT biplot showed that genotype No. 6 had the best performance in combining yield and primary branch, secondary branch, and inflorescent number. The genotype No. 10 had the largest values in combining yield with the seven other traits. In this study, the GYT biplot approach can be used to identify the best genotypes in correlation between yield with other traits. Therefore, this approach can be applied to overcome the problem of genotypes selection based on several traits, in the Jatropha breeding program.
Shrimp agro-industry is one of the food processing industries, which converts raw shrimp into high-value shrimp processed products. The production system used in shrimp agroindustry to respond market demand is a hybrid make to stock (MTS) and make to order (MTO). The decision to determine which products will be stored as supply sources and which products are made to fulfill orders is a critical decision that must be made on the MTS-MTO hybrid system. The concept of customer order decoupling point (CODP) is used to identify material flow points that connect a product with different consumers. This study aims to present a conceptual model in the MTS-MTO hibrid system based on customer order decoupling point (CODP) which is adjusted to product characteristics, production characteristics and market characteristics in the shrimp agroindustry. The results of the study are presented in a business process model template that describes the order of decisions for storing products or making products to fulfill orders and conceptual models in the form of diagrams named the CODP conceptual model on shrimp agroindustry. Keywords. shrimp agro-industry; customer order decoupling point;make to stock; make to order. Abstrak. Agroindustri udang merupakan salah satu industri pengolahan pangan, yang mengubah bahan baku udang mentah menjadi produk olahan udang yang bernilai tinggi. Sistem produksi yang digunakan pada agroindustri udang untuk merespon permintaan pasar adalah hybrid make to stock (MTS) dan make to order (MTO). Keputusan untuk menentukan produk mana yang akan disimpan sebagai sumber pasokan dan produk mana yang dibuat untuk memenuhi pesanan merupakan keputusan kritis yang harus dilakukan pada sistem hybrid MTS-MTO. Konsep customer order decoupling point (CODP) digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi titik aliran material yang menghubungkan suatu produk dengan konsumen yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan menyajikan model konseptual pada sistem hybrid MTS-MTO berdasarkan customer order decoupling point (CODP) yang disesuaikan dengan karakteristik produk, karakteristik produksi serta karakteristik pasar di agroindustri udang. Hasil dari penelitian disajikan dalam template model proses bisnis yang menggambarkan urutan-urutan keputusan untuk menyimpan produk atau membuat produk untuk memenuhi pesanan dan model konseptual dalam bentuk diagram yang diberi nama model konseptual CODP pada agroindustri udang. Kata kunci. agroindustri udang; customer order decoupling point;make to stock; make to order.
<p>ABSTRACT<br />Coloured cotton has been used since 3400-2300 BC. Historically, it has been used prior to allotetraploid cotton which are now planted (G. hirsutum dan G. barbadense) of which some have brown and green fiber. The use of coloured cotton is environmentally friendly, and the demand for it will be increasing in relation with the increased demand of organic cotton. The research was aiming to evaluate of Productivity, Fiber Fineness, and Tolerance to Insect Pests ofF7 promising cotton lineswith brown fiber for the development of national cotton new varieties with brown fiber. The experiment was carried out at Pasirian Experimental Station at Lumajang on Januari-December 2013. 14 F7 lines resulted from 2006 crosses and two control varieties were tested in Randomised Blocked Design. There were two unit tests, the spray and unspray test, each was replicated three times. Plot size was 3 x 10m2 with plant spacing was made of 100 x 25 cm in which one single plant per hole was maintained. observation was done on growth and generative components, seed cotton yield, and field tolerance component. Experimental result showed that line 06063/5 was consistently shown high seed cotton yield under spray (2348,3 kg/ha) and unspray conditions (2372,8 kg/ha). Under unspray condition, there were four promising lines which were yielded higher that the best control varieties (Kanesia 10, 2197,2 kg/ha), i.e. 06063/5 (2372,80 kg/ha), 06067/3 (2235,0 kg/ha), 06062/3 (2255,60 kg/ha), and 06066/2 (2383,90 kg/ha). In addition, the best line showingthe highest field tolerance index was 06066/2 (110,5%). There were only two lines which had fiber length of ≥ 1 inch (25,4 mm), i.e. 06067/4 and 06062/1. It terms of fiber strength, genetic improvement achieved was ranging from 0,81 to 11,54% better than Kanesia 10, but 8,11 – 17,64% worse than Kanesia 8. Nine lines which had their fiber fineness 3,0 – 3,8 mic which are met the industry’s demand.<br />Keywords: Gossypium hirsutum L., coloured cotton, productivity, field tolerance index</p><p> </p><p>EVALUASI PRODUKTIVITAS, MUTU SERAT, DAN KETAHANAN TERHADAP HAMA GALUR-GALUR F7 KAPAS BE RSERAT COKLAT</p><p>ABSTRAK<br />Kapas dengan serat berwarna non-putih telah digunakan sejak tahun<br />3400-2300 sebelum Masehi. Sejarah perkembangannya diperkirakan lebih<br />awal dibandingkan kapas allotetraploid yang banyak dikembangkan saat<br />ini (G. hirsutum dan G. barbadense) yang beberapa memiliki warna serat coklat dan hijau. Penggunaan serat kapas berwarna sangat ramah lingkungan dan pemanfaatannya akan meningkat sejalan dengan meningkatnya permintaan kapas organik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi produktivitas, mutu serat dan ketahanan terhadap hama galur-galur harapan F7 kapas dengan serat berwarna coklat dalam rangka mengembangkan varietas kapas nasional berserat coklat.Penelitian menguji 14 galur F7 hasil persilangan tahun 2006 dan dua varietas pembanding dilaksanakan di KP Pasirian, Lumajang pada bulan Januari- Desember 2013; disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Kelompok. Terdapat dua unit pengujian yaitu pengujian dengan pengendalian hama optimal (SPRAY atau S) dan pengujian tanpa pengendalian hama (TANPA SPRAY atau TS) masing-masing diulang tiga kali. Ukuran plot adalah 3 x 10m2; jarak tanam adalah 100 x 25 cm dan pada masing-masing lubang tanam dipelihara satu tanaman. Pengamatan komponen pertumbuhan dan hasil, hasil kapas berbiji, dan komponen ketahanan dilakukan untuk menilai penampilan galur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa galur 06063/5 secara konsisten menunjukkan produksi kapas berbiji yang cukup tinggi baik dalam kondisi dengan pengendalian hama (2 348,3 kg/ha) maupun tanpa pengendalian hama (2372,8 kg/ha). Pada kondisi tanpa pengendalian hama, terdapat empat galur yang lebih unggul dibandingkan varietas pembanding terbaik (Kanesia 10, 2197,2 kg/ha) yaitu 06063/5 (2 372,80 kg/ha), 06067/3 (2 235,0 kg/ha), 06062/3 (2255,60 kg/ha), dan 06066/2 (2383,90 kg/ha). Selain itu, galur yang menunjukkan indeks ketahanan lapang terbaik adalah 06066/2 (110,5%). Hanya terdapat dua galur yang panjang seratnya ≥ 1 inchi (25,4 mm), yaitu 06067/4 dan 06062/1. Apabila dibandingkan Kanesia 10, diperoleh kemajuan dalam hal kekuatan serat sebesar 0,81-11,54%. Tetapi apabila dibandingkan dengan Kanesia 8, maka kekuatan serat dari galur-galur yang diuji lebih rendah 8,11 – 17,64%. Terdapat sembilan galur yang kehalusan seratnya dikelompokkan pada kategori diterima oleh industri (3,0 – 3,8 mic).<br />Kata kunci: Gossypium hirsutum L., kapas dengan serat berwarna, produktivitas, indeks ketahanan lapang.</p>
The use of superior varieties must involve cultivation aspects. The use of superior varieties supported by good cultivation techniques will provide higher sugarcane yields and productivity compared to conventional cultivation systems. Problems in sugarcane cultivation by farmers were identified and then those are used for assembling the suitable cultivation technology. The acceleration activity was carried out in Sukobendu village, Mantup District, Lamongan Regency, in January - December 2015 using an area of around 10 ha. The 10 ha land consists of 9 ha of farmer’s land, with providing qualified sugar cane seeds, while 1 ha is used for Field Laboratory media. In field laboratory plot, cultivation technique applied consted of budchip seeds, introduction of double planting systems, addition of organic fertilizers, optimal plant maintenance and proper leaf detrashing. The use of bud chip seeds resulted in a highest sugarcane production and farmers’ income. Implementation of integrated sugarcane cultivation technology in field laboratory could be an inspiration for the farmers to adopt the cultivation technology. These include unloading ratoon, the use of early mature and drought resistant varieties, bud chip seeds, double planting system, addition of organic fertilizer, and an optimal plant maintenance.
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