in association with U.C. Berkeley (UCB), is developing a fully relativistic, 3D, onespecie, particle-in-cell simulation code with adaptive finite element meshing. This initial version will simulate particles in quasi-static fields, which are solved by the finite element methods. In quasi-static PIC analysis, all particles are synchronized in time, and the electric and magnetic fields are resolved at every time step. In later versions, the vector finite element with adaptive meshing technology will be used to solve the complete Maxwell's equations for the electromagnetic fields as they evolve in time in a fully explicit approximation.Currently, most PIC codes use finite difference techniques with fixed, orthogonal, structured elements. Finite element meshes, compared to finite difference meshes, allows more accurate modelling of non-orthogonal boundaries, eliminating the short wavelength noise introduced by orthogonal mesh stair step representations. Adaptive meshing, compared to fixed mesh models, may reduce the number of elements by 2-3 orders of magnitude while maintaining or improving accuracy, particularly when small features translate spatially. Similar improvements in PIC modelling could result in dramatic reduction in computation size and execution times, while allowing improved design and analysis.We will demonstrate uniform cold and warm plasma oscillations under influence of electric field and magnetic field. In addition, we will discuss quiet start methods for loading the (x, v) phase space for nonuniform warm plasmas for unstructured meshes including the inversion of the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution using the Box-Muller method and the Maxwellian velocity distribution numerically to particle velocities, and the Markov Chain Monte Carlo numerical integration scheme to load arbitrary particle densities.In the past, there have been very few studies concentrating on developing dynamic load-balancing technique for particlebased PIC/MCC code. The only exception to the authors' best knowledge is the work by Seidel et al.1, in which the method dynamically repartitioned the computational domain and intended to balance the workload among processors under the framework of structured mesh. However, there are several disadvantages in using structured mesh. For example, it becomes rather cumbersome to treat the boundary conditions if complicated geometry is involved. In the current paper, method of dynamic domain decomposition (DDD), based on multi-level graph-paritioning technique2, for a parallel 3D electrostatic PIC/MCC code that utilized unstructured tetrahedral mesh is proposed and verified. This parallel code is designed to run on memory-distributed machine with standard MPI protocol. In a typical particle simulation, for example, DSMC2, the computational weight (-actual computational time) is generally in proportion to the number of particles. In PIC/MCC method, weight for each graph vertex (or cell center) is instead a combination of particle computational weight and cell computational weight. The computat...