platinum, and gold nanoparticles, protected with sulfur,
selenium, or tellurium dodecane ligands, were synthesized under ambient
laboratory conditions. These nine nanoparticles were characterized
by thermogravimetric analysis, transmission electron microscopy, and
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). XPS was used to determine
the degree of oxidation present at the metal–chalcogen interface
at the time of synthesis and after 1 week of aging under ambient laboratory
conditions. Upon synthesis, interfaces involving sulfur atoms were
found to have no degree of oxidation and to retain this lack of oxidation
over the course of 1 week. In contrast, all interfaces involving tellurium
were found to have some degree of oxidation (28, 77, and 76% for Ir,
Pt, and Au particles, respectively) at the time of synthesis, and
this degree of oxidation increased over the course of 1 week to 38,
83, and 92% for Ir, Pt, and Au, respectively. For interfaces involving
selenium, all interfaces initially lacked any oxidation and the iridium
and platinum interface was found to be stable over 1 week. On the
other hand, the gold interface oxidized over time, reaching 60% oxidation
after 1 week under ambient laboratory conditions. Thus, our work shows
that IrS, IrSe, PtS, PtSe, and AuS provide metal–ligand interfaces
that are stable, with respect to oxidation under ambient conditions.