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Link to publicationCitation for published version (APA): Besselink, B., Lutowska, A., Tabak, U., Wouw, van de, N., Nijmeijer, H., Hochstenbach, M. E., ... Rixen, D. J. (2013). A comparison of model reduction techniques from structural dynamics, numerical mathematics and systems and control. (CASA-report; Vol. 1327). Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.
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AbstractIn this paper, popular model reduction techniques from the fields of structural dynamics, numerical mathematics and systems and control are reviewed and compared. The motivation for such a comparison stems from the fact the model reduction techniques in these fields have been developed fairly independently. In addition, the insight obtained by the comparison allows for making a motivated choice for a particular model reduction technique, on the basis of the desired objectives and properties of the model reduction problem. In particular, a detailed review is given on mode displacement techniques, moment matching methods and balanced truncation, whereas important extensions are outlined briefly. In addition, a qualitative comparison of these methods is presented, hereby focussing both on theoretical and computational aspects. Finally, the differences are illustrated on a quantitative level by means of application of the model reduction techniques to a common example.