Papetti, C., Di Franco, A., Zane, L., Guidetti, P., De Simone, V., Spizzotin, M., Zorica, B., Čikeš Keč, V. and Mazzoldi, C. 2013. Single population and common natal origin for Adriatic Scomber scombrus stocks: evidence from an integrated approach – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 70: 387–398. In order to implement proper fishery management strategies aimed at avoiding stock declines, information about connectivity among stocks and populations is critically required. In this perspective, the present study investigated population structure of the Atlantic mackerel Scomber scombrus in the northern–central Adriatic Sea by integrating multiple approaches (analysis of fisheries data, population genetics, and otolith chemistry). Monthly data of fishery landings indicate a latitudinal trend along the western Adriatic coast, with Atlantic mackerel disappearing from the northern waters in winter, corresponding to the reproductive season. Population genetic analyses by genotyping of eight microsatellites clearly point to the presence of a single panmictic population in the northern–central Adriatic Sea. Otolith cores of samples from the northern–central Adriatic were chemically homogeneous, suggesting a common spawning ground. These results strongly suggest that Atlantic mackerel perform an autumn–winter migration in the northern–central Adriatic Sea, from the northern to the central sector, to reach a single spawning ground, and that a single population is present in this area. Considering that S. scombrus has shown a marked decline in the last 40 years in the Adriatic, this study highlights a potential high vulnerability to collapse by overfishing for the Atlantic mackerel stocks in this geographic area.