-(Temporal and spatial variations in the structure of macroalgal communities associated with mangrove trees of Ilha do Cardoso, São Paulo state, Brazil). Temporal and spatial variations in species composition and vertical distribution of macroalgal communities growing on mangrove trees were analyzed bimonthly in the Ilha do Cardoso State Park, São Paulo state (25°03'S and 47°55'W), Southeastern Brazil. The macroalgal communities from mangroves of Perequê and Sítio Grande rivers comprised 10 and 18 taxa respectively. Bostrychia radicans (Mont.) Mont. and B. calliptera (Mont.) Mont. were the predominant taxa, present almost throughout the year and in all the sites studied. The species composition of macroalgal communities from both mangroves presented temporal and spatial variations related to environmental factors. The highest number of taxa was observed during colder, drier months, coinciding with the highest means of high water neap and short periods of continuous emersion (April to August). Some mangrove algae such as B. calliptera, Rhizoclonium spp., Caloglossa spp., and Boodleopsis pusilla (Collins) W. Taylor, Joly et Bernatowicz showed a high degree of tolerance to desiccation, being able to tolerate continuous emersion up to six days. The spatial variations in species composition were related to light, as observed in Catenella caespitosa (Withering) L. Irvine, which occurred in well-lit sites. No pattern of vertical zonation was observed, since Rhizoclonium spp., B. radicans, and B. calliptera occur over the entire vertical range. Variations in the range of vertical distribution of macroalgae of Perequê mangrove were mainly related to the variations in the tidal levels (mean high water neap and/or mean high water spring) while those observed in Sítio Grande mangrove were related to salinity variations, except for B. calliptera and Caloglossa spp. related to tidal levels and high irradiance, respectively.RESUMO -(Variações temporal e espacial na estrutura de comunidades de macroalgas associadas a árvores de manguezais na Ilha do Cardoso, estado de São Paulo, Brasil). A composição de espécies e a distribuição vertical das comunidades de macroalgas associadas às espécies arbóreas de manguezais do Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso, estado de São Paulo (25°03'S e 47°55'W), Brasil, foram analisadas bimestralmente. As comunidades de macroalgas dos manguezais dos rios Perequê e Sítio Grande apresentaram 10 e 18 táxons, respectivamente. Bostrychia radicans (Mont.) Mont. e B. calliptera (Mont.) Mont. foram os táxons predominantes, presentes durante quase todo o ano e em todos os locais estudados. A composição em espécies das comunidades de macroalgas dos dois manguezais apresentaram variações temporal e espacial relacionadas aos fatores ambientais. O maior número de táxons foi observado durante os meses mais frios e secos, coincidentes com as maiores médias das marés de quadratura e curtos períodos de emersão (abril a agosto). Algumas macroalgas, tais como B. calliptera, Rhizoclonium spp., Caloglossa spp.,...