Animal nutrition is an important aspect in optimizing the production process of meat and dairy farming. In the process of feeding animals, various digestive enzymes are released, which contribute to the proper functioning of the animal’s body. Biochemical blood indicators can be an indicator of health. They can characterize the level of animals’ adaptation to various stressful factors including the specific conditions of animal feeding. Research results show that a high correlation between the digestive enzymes of the pancreas and biochemical parameters of calves’ blood was shown with regards to the time factor and fat component when they were injected with vegetable fats. The dependent relationship in the experimental groups was as follows: sunflower oil (+) uric and acid lipase (r=0.57), total bilirubin and protease (r=0.51), glucose and lipase (r=0.68), protease and total protein (r=0.59), protease and albumin (r=0.51), protease and total bilirubin (r=0.63), protease–phosphorus (r=–0.55), respectively. (–) AST amylase (r=–0.54), ALT lipase (r=–0.52), amylase and total bilirubin (r=–0.68), amylase and iron (r=–0.62). Palm oil (+) total protein and lipase (r=0.58), glucose and protease (r=0.51), AST protease (r=0.54), iron amylase (r=0.57), calcium and lipase (r=0.63), negative gamma–GT and lipase (r=–0.53). Soybean oil (+) protease and creatinine (r=0.50). (–) urea lipase (r=–0.52), LDH protease (r=–0.75), iron and protease (r=–0.58), amylase–iron (r=–0.65) amylase–g–GT (r=–0.64), amylase–ALT (r=0.62). Flaxseed oil (+) albumin protease (r=0.53), ALT amylase (r=0.627), ALT protease (r=0.56), AST lipase (r=0.52), cholesterol amylase (r=0.55), phosphorus lipase (r=0.523). (–) gamma–GT protease (r=–0.54), glucose amylase (r=–0.63), glucose protease (r=–0.52). Thus, a pronounced positive relationship was observed over a period of time in sunflower (30–60 minutes), palm (60–90 minutes) and linseed (0–30 minutes) oils. Negative effects can be seen when using a diet supplemented with soybean oil. The developed mathematical models make it possible to predict the secretory function of the pancreas and the body’s response to various types of fats, with a database of biochemical parameters and the enzymatic activity of the pancreas.