Because of an inadvertent error in programming, some data presented in Figs. 8 and 9 of our paper are inaccurate. The new Fig. 8 with the corrected s , p , d angular decompositions of the Kohn-Sham levels of Au 20 and the new Fig. 9 with the corrected d characters of the optical excitations are presented below. The net effect of these corrections is to increase the d character of the optical excitations in both Ag n and Au n clusters. We note that the d-electron contributions to the optical excitations of Au n clusters are still, on average, larger than those of Ag n clusters. However, the difference between the d characters of the optical excitations of Ag n and Au n clusters is not as pronounced as we originally reported. These corrections do not affect the main conclusions of our paper. 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Oscillator Strength Energy (eV) 83% 31% 12% 16% 8% 13% 34% 10% 13% 8% (3) HOMO−10 (98% d) (3) HOMO−9 (98% d) (2) HOMO−7 (14% sp, 86% d) (1) HOMO−6 (35% s, 42%p, 23% d) (3) HOMO−3 (95% d) (3) HOMO−2 (93% d) (3) HOMO−1 (39% s, 18% p, 43% d) (2) HOMO (27% s, 25% p, 48% d) (3) LUMO+1 (25% s, 41% p, 34% d) (3) LUMO+3 (31% s, 41% p, 28% d) (3) LUMO (23% s, 58% p, 19% d) 20 Au FIG. 8. ͑Color online͒ The Kohn-Sham energy levels ͑within LDA͒ of Au 20 that are involved in the excitations at 1.86 eV, 2.777 eV, and 2.785 eV. The degeneracies ͑in parentheses͒ and the angular characters of the occupied and unoccupied orbitals involved in the transitions are given next to the energy levels. The weights ͑in %͒ of the vc orbital pairs in the eigenvectors of the transitions are also shown. See the text for details.2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 20 Cluster Size (atoms) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 % d-character Au , Ec = 9 eV Au , Ec = 6 eV Au , Ec = 4 eV Ag , Ec = 9 eV Ag , Ec = 6 eV Ag , Ec = 4 eV n n n n n n FIG. 9. ͑Color online͒ The percentage of the d-character in the transitions calculated according to Eq. 2 for Au n ͑solid lines͒ as a function of n at cutoff energies E c =4,6, and 9 eV. Also shown are the same results for Ag n ͑dashed lines͒.