Koordinationschemie mit den komplexen Chelatliganden[ {Fe2Cp2(CO),>2{CN[CH2]nNC>] (n = 2, 3). Heteropentanukleare ,,Superkomplexe" mit p5-Diisocyanid-Brucken" Coordination Chemistry with the Complex Chelating Ligands [(Fe2Cp2(CO)3)2(CN[CH2]nNC]] (n = 2, 3). Heteropentanuclear "Supercomplexes" with ps-Diisocyanide Bridges"' The tetranuclear complexes [(Fe,Cp,(CO),(p-CO) J2(p4-tra. Reaction of 2 with [Ni(COD),] in CHzClz gave only rise CN[CH2],NC)] [n = 2 (2), 3 (3)] act as bidentate chelating to the dichloronickel(I1) species 9a. Very remarkably, the ligands towards the Lewis-acidic metal halides MnC12, pentairon complex [ (Fe2Cp2(CO),(p-CO))2{p5-CN(CH2)2-MnBr,, FeC12, CoCIz, NiCl,, NiBr2, CuCl,, CuBrz, ZnC12, NCJIFeCl, (7) also formed spontaneously (!) when 2 was re-ZnI,, CdC12, CdI2, HgCl,, the chloro complexes [MClZ-fluxed in chloroform for several hours. The X-ray structure (NCPh),] (M = Pd, Pt), Zn(OAc)z . HzO, and [Mo(CO),(
q-analysis of [(Fe2Cp2(CO)z(p-CO))~{p5-CN(CH2)2NC}]CdI,NBD)) (NBD = 2,5-norbornadiene) to give a total of 22 penta-(14b) confirms the twofold p3-(C,C,N) bridging mode of a dinuclear "superconiplexes" 6-21, which have been characte-isocyanide ligand in a cis/cis-anfi-configurated [Fe&Cd penrized by elemental analyses and IR and NMR ('H, I3C) spec-tanuclear system of crystallographic C2 symmetry. * noch erscheinen die Ligandenqualitaten von 1 -sein Raumbedarf, seine Starrheit und sein nur maDiges Donorvermogen stehen einer forcierten ,,Superkomplex"-Bildung entgegenverbesserungswurdig. Im folgenden beschreiben wir Metallkomplexe mit den ,,Chelatliganden" [{ Fe2Cp2-(C0)3}2CN[CH2],NC] [n = 2 (2), 3 (3)], bei denen die genannten Defizite wesentlich gemildert sind.