CoWlgM 19%, Sociely .3 Pet,.lmml E"glnws, [m, This P8P,, was Pwimd fa-Prmen.btOF d the S?E Ash F'aciftc Oil & Gas C4ti8re"CS held 1" Mdb.nnm, Ausiralla, 7-10 NCVM71bMi934 This w,, .as $4w+ed f., P,em,Ofm by a" SPE P,wrm CahIIMe, Idl,vdng review d Inlcmm,!,n $vntelned l" m sb.tracl ,"bml,,d by the wlim(,]. Cmtmls .1 ,he Paw. as Prmmlei have not be," reviwmd by the ScJely al Potml#"m Eng!"ws and ,,. Sub]eti b camtim by ih, auitw(s], Th, mlerki, u Pre,mtad. d.,, "0[ "ecewrtly refleti w PO#!iO" al the.SOdW of Pa,,de"m Engln6+m. 1.soficers, 0, nmmbm. P,w.m Pmsemt@dal SPE nl@#Jr@, u, wb]ecl 10 PuMIWIO" ,,"1,. by Edit.atia[C.mlm{Uee, 01the SO,(MY ti Pella!a"m -I"ws. Pmnkslon b copy !, M9MC!ed b an absl,tiof",f m [ha. $C.3ti,. !Il" not b+ CWled, Theab,tractstiOuld cO"tdrl mmPlcuOu8a