The substrate-dependent homolysis of the cobalt-carbon bond and generation of organic radicals in the coenzyme-B, , -methylmalonyl-CoA-mutase complex have been demonstrated by EPR measurements. Both the natural substrate methylmalonyl-CoA, its '3C-substituted analogue and the nonhydrolysable synthetic substrates succinyl-dethia(carba)-CoA, succinyl-dethia(dicarba)-CoA and 4-carboxy-2-0x0-butyl-CoA induced similar but not identical EPR signals. 3-Carboxypropyl-CoA, a novel competitive inhibitor, has been synthesised. Its K, value of 89 2 6 pM was in the same range as the K,, of succinyl-CoA. Using [S'-3H]adenosylcobalamin, an enzyme-dependent tritium transfer to the inhibitor has been shown. The enzyme-coenzyme-inhibitor complex also exhibited EPR signals that were less structured and less intensive than the corresponding signals with active substrates.These results prove that the inhibitor also induces cobalt-carbon bond homolysis and undergoes reversible hydrogen transfer but not rearrangement.Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase, a coenzyme-B, ,-dependent enzyme, catalyses the rearrangement of (2R)-methylmalonylCoA to succinyl-CoA (Eqn 1). In analogy to other coenzyme-B,,-dependent reactions (for a review see [l]) and some chemical models [2, 31, it is expected that the first chemical step comprises homolysis of the cobalt-carbon bond and the so-generated highly reactive 5'-adenosyl radical abstracts a hydrogen atom from the (non-activated) methyl group of methylmalonyl-CoA. Thus, during the rearrangement, several organic radical species and the paramagnetic cob(I1)alamine are postulated as intermediates (Scheme 1). analogues, succinyl-dethia(carba)-coenzyme A (succinyl-CH,-CoA) 2, were published in 1986 [6]. A publication with full experimental details of the synthesis, as well as the spectral and kinetic characterisation of succinyl-CH,-CoA 2, succinyl-CH,CH,-CoA 3 and 4-carboxy-2-0x0-butyl-CoA 4 appeared recently [7]. Using our experimental procedure [6, 8, 91, Leadlay and coworkers [lo] also published the synthesis of 2 and its ability to induce EPR signals in the methylmalonyl-CoA-mutase -coenzyme-B , , complex. Here we describe in detail the EPR signals obtained with substrates, non-hydrolysable substrate analogues and an inhibitor of the methylmalonyl-CoA mutase. In addition, the synthesis and behaviour of the novel inhibitor 3-carboxypropyl-CoA 5 is also described.
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES EquipmentAll EPR measurements were recorded with an ESP 300 E 10112 ESR spectrometer (Bruker Analytische MeBtechnik) at a microwave power of 5 mW. An NMR gaussmeter and a frequency counter (model HP 5350 B) were used to calibrate the magnetic field. A cylindrical TM resonator served as sample head. The EPR spectra were recorded at 77 K. NMR spectra were produced using Bruker WH 250 and AM 400 spectrometers. The thin-layer scanner was obtained from Fa. Berthold (Germany). For all other experiments, standard laboratory equipments were used.
MaterialsCoenzyme B,, (adenosylcobalamin), KH,PO,, K,HPO,, y-butyrolactone, LiC1, NaOH, pe...