A b d m d -In order to improve our life further, it is our inspiration to develop efficient robotic systems that can as-TABLE I sist our usual need. The system that we are developing not only bring forward efficiency and credibility for daily usage or research platform, but when natural catastrophes like earthquake happens to strike, our robotic system is also capable of entering post-disaster sites and collect information about victim states that will he transmitted to the human rescuers, so that e more accurate and efficient rescue mission can he carried out. This paper will present the up-to-date information ahout our robnt.ie svstem develooment of two Kegword-Rescue, inspiration, ma55 production, cost reduction, daily use.
I. IKTRODUCTIONIntelligent rescue systenis with high information and robotic technology have been expected to nlitigate post. disaster damages and improve rescue operations, especially in the case like 1995 Hanshin-Awaji earthquake in japan 111 121. ill the development of robots for daily use or search and rescue task, it is important t,o conduct experinlents to test its functionality, control]al,i]ity and safety.for the daily usage robotl it is possible to experinlent it under normal ]ailoratory H~~~~~~, as for understanding functionality in rescue and search nlission, it is necessary to conduct the experiment in a collapsed and complex area where most laboratories cannot provide. EXcept certain simulated disaster sites constructed solely for rescue robot testing, where not many researchers have access to: instead, niost take t,he chance of participate in the conipetition called RoboCupRescue, where the committee will setup three simulated disaster arenas (with increase in difficulty), and researchers around t,he world can gather to discuss and test their robotic systenis [3] 14).High niobilit,y and controllability are essential for rescue robotic systems. In other aspect,s, it is important to achieve fast robot deployment, into different, areas for eniergency request. For this reason, mass-produce and low-cost in the development of these systenis are strongly emphasized. Mass production and cost reduction are linked t,o each other and it is hard t,o achieve the Cornier criterion if we only develop robots for enlergency use. High nlobility and controllability of rescue robots are useful not only in rescue missions hut also beneficial to daily applications such as inspection work, patrol task and so on; where these applications will help to achieve mass-produce and low-cost crit.eria. Other possible applications involve for example, collection of environmental and/or human flow data and Update the d&~base for these data frequently to Prepare the use in enlergenW In this paper we present two robots fronl our heter* geneous rescue robot teanil namely KOHGA and FUL'X that we currently used niainb for fescue mission. Following on is the discussion of our research Plan of how to inlplement the d 4 y usage into these rescue robots. Then finally summated by conclusion.