Goal. Determine the damage to modern corn hybrids by the caterpillars of the cotton bollworm, develop a point scale for assessing the damage of kernels on the cob, and calculate the direct losses of grain yield. Methods. Field. The studies were carried in the research fields of the Cherkasy Research Station of Bioresources of the NSC «Institute of Agriculture of NAAS» 2017—2019. The cultivation of corn was carried out in accordance with the cultivation technology recommended for the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine, Cherkasy region. Plot size — 56 m2, in four replicates. Placement of plots — randomized. The number of damaged corncobs of cotton scoop was determined per hectare. To calculate the number of damaged kernels per corncobs, each damaged corn cobs was opened and the number of eaten and damaged kernels was counted. To calculate the direct yield losses for each corn hybrid, the total number of kernels eaten and damaged by the caterpillars of the cotton bollworm (per hectare) was calculated, which was multiplied by the mass of 100 kernels, respectively. Results. The degree of harmfulness of cotton bollworm caterpillars on maize hybrids of different maturity was investigated. In 2017—2019 The corncobs are most damaged in hybrids of the mid-maturing group — 58.4%, less — in early-maturing hybrids — 41.1%, and in the middle-early ones — 47.8%. For the first time, a nine-point scale was developed for assessing the defeat of caryopses on the cob by Helicoverpa armigera Hbn. caterpillars direct losses of grain yield are calculated. It was found that significant yield losses were observed in all mid-season maize hybrids (0.185—0.280 t/ha). Conclusions. In the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, the cotton bollworm turned out to be a dangerous pest of the generative organs of corn. Therefore, the selection of resistant hybrids to attack by caterpillars of the cotton bollworm is a key element in the protection of this crop. And the nine-point scale developed by us allows us to assess the degree of damage to caryopses by the caterpillars of Helicoverpa armigera Hbn.
Reliability is one of the main characteristics of ecosystem, its ability to effectively maintain its structure and perform functions without fail when environmental conditions change due to natural or anthropogenic negative impacts. It is shown that in the assessment of ecosystems, the leading role belongs to environmental monitoring to determine the condition of ecosystem components and identify the possibility of ensuring reliability. Methodical approaches to environmental monitoring have been developed. Mechanisms of ensuring and principles of reliability assessment of different types of ecosystems are considered. The main attention is paid to the recovery, reservation and conditioning of ecosystems under the influence of negative factors. To quantify the ability of ecosystems to recover, it is proposed to use appropriate criteria, which are determined by certain calculation formulas. With insufficient reliability of ecosystem elements due to the actions of negative factors, its reliability is ensured by reservation at the expense of additional means and capabilities. In the case of agroecosystems, which are artificially created biotic groups of organisms that are supported by humans, it is an integrated approach using the theory of ecosystem reliability that expands the range of means to study their effective functioning. It is noted that the increase in the reliability of the agroecosystem is provided by the use of its reliable elements, as well as special systems for ensuring recovery and reservation. It is emphasized that the application of reliability theory in the study of agroecosystems contributes to the management of their functional efficiency for obtaining environmentally safe products
бали) та ДКС 3472 (Монсанто) (5,4 бали). Дослідження механізмів стійкості сучасних різностиглих гібридів проти стеблового кукурудзяного метелика свідчить про реальну можливість вирішення проблеми захисту кукурудзи від цього фітофагів за допомогою використання стійких гібридів. Ключові слова: стебловий кукурудзяний метелик, гібриди кукурудзи, стійкість, антиксеноз, антибіоз, пошкодженість рослин, заселеність рослин, яйцекладки Актуальність. В нинішніх умовах кукурудза -одна з основних зернових культур як в Україні, так і в цілому світі, а її вирощування дає змогу стабільно отримувати високий прибуток. Відтак збільшуються площі її вирощування. Якщо у 2000 р. в Україні кукурудза (при вирощуванні на зерно) займала близько 1,4 млн га, то в 2019 р. цю культуру вже вирощували на площі близько 4,97 млн га, що на 8,6 % більше ніж у 2018 р. На даний час на виробництво кукурудзи припадає вже понад 50 % від загального обсягу виробництва зерна в країні, причому ця цифра Агрономія Стригун О. О., Ляска Ю. М.