Main principles are considered of formation of special files on observed hazardous hydrometeorological phenomena (HHP) and adverse weather, along with experience of Roshydromet in standardization of registration and reports on their damaging effects. The first base is designed on the basis on hazardous phenomena registered by the hydrometeorological stations according to authorized criteria regardless the damaging effects on economy and population; these data are collected and stored in the State Data Foundation. These are special climatic data series on HHP from the stations; they are used in the studies of extreme and hazardous weather. The second base collects information on adverse and hazardous weather causing economic and social damage, irrespective of the HHP criteria reached or not. Distribution is presented of total case number of hazardous hydrometeorological phenomena causing social and economic damage during 1991-2008.During the whole history of humanity, the life of the society depends on climate and its changes, that is, on the weather conditions, as the climate is formed by weather. This is natural condition of economic development, its dependence on weather.The decisions, made by the governments and based on available hydrometeorological information (especially the forecasting information) and on analytical reviews, affect life and prosperity of millions people worldwide. This is an indisputable fact; numerous studies [1-5, 8, 9, 11, 14-21] demonstrate important role of the weather services in stable development of economy and society.Effects of adverse hydrometeorological conditions (in particular, adverse weather (AW 1 ) and HHP) on economy became, during last decades, significant and often extremely dangerous and ruinous. In a number of cases, as real data show, this causes instability in operation of the economic system or its separate regional sections, which disturbs normal dynamic development of the society ([1, 2, 4-6, 16, 17, 19, 20] and others). Effect of a single natural disaster on industrial infrastructure of a separate city or region can drive back its normal functioning and even development for several years.According to information of the Center for Studies of Disaster Epidemiology (CSDE), during the decade of 1992-2001, about 90% of all natural disasters were caused by meteorological or hydrological processes. Economic damages due to floods and adverse weather have been estimated to reach 446 billion USD, or 65% of damage of all natural disasters.According to other statistical information, during 1994-2004, natural disasters caused total damage exceeding 730 billion USD, and more than 1100 million people have suffered. The situations which affect national economies so that the damage exceeds 1% of the gross home product (GHP), sometimes reaching its large part (the damage in Honduras in 1998 reached one third of GHP [6]), cause serious concern of the international organizations assisting economical development.