For many applications it would be desirable to be able to control the activity of proteins by using an external signal. In the present study, we have explored the possibility of modulating the activity of a restriction enzyme with light. By cross-linking two suitably located cysteine residues with a bifunctional azobenzene derivative, which can adopt a cis-or trans-configuration when illuminated by UV or blue light, respectively, enzymatic activity can be controlled in a reversible manner. To determine which residues when crosslinked show the largest "photoswitch effect," i.e., difference in activity when illuminated with UV vs. blue light, >30 variants of a single-chain version of the restriction endonuclease PvuII were produced, modified with azobenzene, and tested for DNA cleavage activity. In general, introducing single cross-links in the enzyme leads to only small effects, whereas with multiple cross-links and additional mutations larger effects are observed. Some of the modified variants, which carry the cross-links close to the catalytic center, can be modulated in their DNA cleavage activity by a factor of up to 16 by illumination with UV (azobenzene in cis) and blue light (azobenzene in trans), respectively. The change in activity is achieved in seconds, is fully reversible, and, in the case analyzed, is due to a change in V max rather than K m .azobenzene | DNA cleavage | endonuclease | photoswitch | PvuII P roteins exist in nature whose activity can be controlled by light; perhaps one of the best known examples is rhodopsin, which is regulated by the cis∕trans isomerization of its cofactor retinal. For many biological applications it would be desirable to selectively switch the activity of a protein on and off by light in a similar manner (1). This could be accomplished by the introduction of a photosensitive compound into the protein of interest. Recent developments in photosensitive compounds such as the azobenzene derivatives have made the scenario a reality. Azobenzene can be reversibly isomerized between the extended trans-and the more compact cis-configuration by illumination with UV (trans → cis) or blue-light (cis → trans) as well as by thermal relaxation (cis → trans) (2-4). Four generally applicable approaches have been used to introduce azobenzene groups into peptides or proteins: (i) incorporation during peptide synthesis (5-8), (ii) incorporation during in vitro translation (9, 10), (iii) incorporation in vivo by using an orthogonal tRNA/aminoacyl tRNA synthetase pair specific for phenylalanine-4′-azobenzene (11), and (iv) chemical modification of peptides and proteins (3,12,13). Another more specific approach is to use azobenzenemodified ligands (e.g., inhibitors) for proteins (14,15). Chemical modification, the most widely used of these approaches, can be done with mono-or bifunctional azobenzene derivatives. Modification with monofunctional azobenzene derivatives relies on steric effects (e.g., interference with ligand binding), whereas modification with bifunctional azobenzene derivat...