The results of studies of ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) of iridate/manganite epitaxial heterostructures in a wide range of microwave frequencies (1-20 GHz) are presented. The magnitudes of imaginary and real parts of the spin mixing conductance of the heterostructure boundary determin-ing the spin current were determined from the frequency dependence of the spin damping and changes in the resonance field of the FMR. It is shown that the value of the imaginary part of spin conductance is comparable to the real part, which may be caused by strong spin-orbit interaction present in 5d-oxides of transition metals (iridate).
The temperature dependence of the voltage induced by the spin current was studied in an epitaxial thin-film La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 / SrIrO3 heterostructure deposited on a single-crystal NdGaO3 substrate. The spin current was generated by microwave pumping under conditions of ferromagnetic resonance in the La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 ferromagnetic layer and was detected in the SrIrO3 layer due to inverse spin Hall effect. A significant increase of half-width of the spin current spectrum along with the rise of amplitude of the spin current upon cooling from room temperature (300 K) to 135 K were observed.