ГОУ ВПО Владивостокский государственный медицинский университет Росздрава, г. Владивосток Резюме. В последние годы вопросы патогенеза различных инфекционных болезней рассматриваются с позиций клинической иммунологии. Изучение механизмов патогенеза острых и хронических вирусных инфекций на примере геморрагической лихорадки с почечным синдромом и хронического вирусного гепатита С показывает иммуноопосредованность развития инфекционного процесса. Дисбаланс системного и локального цитокинового статуса характеризует прямое влияние иммунной системы на функцию всех органов и систем макроорганизма, определяет тяжесть, течение и прогноз заболевания.
The article describes the first limited experience of early warning indicators (EWIs) of HIV drug resistance recommended by WHO; information on their content and order of use is given. The results of EWIs survey performed in 2016 in nine Russian cities: Blagoveshchensk, Vladivostok, Yekaterinburg, Izhevsk, Krasnodar, Perm, Saint-Petersburg, Khanty-Mansiysk, and the Moscow Region — are presented. The on-time pill pick up indicators were optimal, >90% in four centers (44,4%), all others showed intermediate resulеs (80–90%). The retention rate was over 85% in six of the nine regions (66,6%). Two of the nine regions (22,2%) reported the existence of stock-outs in the supply of antiretroviral drugs. Bi-and monotherapy with antiretroviral drugs was administered to patients in three regions (33,3%). Suppression of viral load to values less than 1000 copies RNA/ml in more than 85% of patients was achieved only in three regions (33,3%). The conclusion was made concerning the necessity to implement the monitoring of HIV drug resistance in Russia as soon as possible, including an analysis of the EWIs and other types of monitoring studies.
Abstract. Chronic hepatitis C antiviral therapy should be followed by immune rehabilitation measures directed to T-cell immunity stimulation and elimination of circulating immune complexes. The dynamics of concentrations of molecular fractions of circulating immune complexes and immunoglobulins has been studied. Moreover, phagocytosis indices were evaluated during combined antiviral therapy by standard PEG-interferon and ribavirin and immuno correction drag Ronkoleukin. Application of Ronkoleukin in combination with antiviral therapy determines possibilities to optimize existing treatment protocols of chronic hepatitis C.