Goal. To study the dynamics of vegetative states in preterm infants with intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) during the first three months of life.
Materials and methods. Examined 34 preterm infants with IUGR – 1st group (GA – 33,3 ± 1,4 weeks, body weight – 1557,8 ± 63,8 g, length – 41,2 ± 1,7 cm) at the age of 5 days and 3 months of life; 51 premature infants without IUGR (GA – 33,2 ± 1,02 weeks, body weight 2062,0 ± 63,9 grams, length – 44,0 ± 1,4 cm) – 2nd group; a control group included 31 healthy full-term infants (GA – 38,8 ± 1,5 weeks, body weight – 3355,4 ± 147,6 grams, length – 52,7 ± 2,3 cm). The vegetative tester “Polispektr-8E/88” (2000 Hz, 12 bit), from the Russian firm “Neurosoft”, was used. Indicators of the cardiointervalogram (CIG) and spectrogram were determined in the baseline sample and in the orthostatic test (tilt-test).
Results. Among the indicators of CIG there was a noticeable decrease of mode (Mo, s) in 2 groups of preterm infants at 5 days of life (p < 0,05) and an increase in stress-index by 3 months of age in 1 group (p < 0,05). The study revealed the predominance in the structure of the wave spectrum of the VLF-component in all groups of children to 3 months; children 1 group had a lower value of this indicator, but they also had a higher proportion of high frequency component (HF, %) (p < 0,05). Vagotonic initial vegetative tonus (IVT) was defined only in 1 group, while the frequency of sympathicotonic and hypersympathicotonic IVT decreased (p < 0,05). Asympathicotonia vegetative reactivity (AST VR) in premature infants with IUGR was increased from 38, to 72,7% to 3 months (p < 0,05).
Conclusion. The study revealed the lack of influence of the Central contour vegetative regulation, more intense adaptation and high exhaustion of the functional reserve in preterm infants with IUGR to 3 months of life.