Nechypurenko P.P., Starova T.V., Selivanova T.V. and Tomilina A.O. Use of Augmented Reality in Chemistry Education. The purpose of this article is to analyze the current trends in the use of the augmented reality in the chemistry education and to identify the promising areas for the introduction of AR–technologies to support thechemistry education in Ukrainian educational institutions. The article is aimed at solving such problems as: the generalization and analysis of the scientific researches results on the use of the augmented reality in the chemistry education, the characteristics of the modern AR–tools in the chemistry education and the forecasting of some possible areas of the development and improvement of the Ukrainian tools of the augmented reality in the chemistry education. The object of research is the augmented reality, and the subject is the use of the augmented reality in the chemistry learning. As a result of the study, it has been found that AR–technologies are actively used in the chemistry education and their effectiveness has been proven, but there are still no Ukrainian software products in this field. Frequently AR–technologiesof the chemistry education are used for 3D visualization of the structure of atoms, molecules, crystalline lattices. The study has made it possible to conclude that there is a significant demand for the chemistry education with the augmented reality that is available via the mobile devices, and accordingly the need to develop the appropriate tools to support the chemistry education at schools and universities. The most promising thing is the development of methodological recommendations for the implementation of laboratory works, textbooks, popular scientific literature on chemistry with the use of the augmented reality technologies and the creation of the simulators for workingwith the chemical equipment and utensils using the augmented reality.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the current trends in the use of the augmented reality in the chemistry education and to identify the promising areas for the introduction of AR-technologies to support the chemistry education in Ukrainian educational institutions. The article is aimed at solving such problems as: the generalization and analysis of the scientific researches results on the use of the augmented reality in the chemistry education, the characteristics of the modern AR-tools in the chemistry education and the forecasting of some possible areas of the development and improvement of the Ukrainian tools of the augmented reality in the chemistry education. The object of research is the augmented reality, and the subject is the use of the augmented reality in the chemistry learning. As a result of the study, it has been found that AR-technologies are actively used in the chemistry education and their effectiveness has been proven, but there are still no Ukrainian software products in this field. Frequently AR-technologies of the chemistry education are used for 3D visualization of the structure of atoms, molecules, crystalline lattices. The study has made it possible to conclude that there is a significant demand for the chemistry education with the augmented reality that is available via the mobile devices, and accordingly the need to develop the appropriate tools to support the chemistry education at schools and universities. The most promising thing is the development of methodological recommendations for the implementation of laboratory works, textbooks, popular scientific literature on chemistry with the use of the augmented reality technologies and the creation of the simulators for working with the chemical equipment and utensils using the augmented reality.
Research goals: The necessity of developing a plugin for Moodle, which is used to support the activities of experimental chemistry are substantiated. Description of created VlabEmbed plugin and the process of installing and configuring VlabEmbed plugin in system Moodle are reviewed. Object of research: Moodle plugins for chemistry education. Subject of research: VlabEmbed – the new plugin Moodle for the chemistry education. Research methods: review and analysis of scientific publications and Moodle plugins for the chemistry education. Results of the research: VlabEmbed plugin in system Moodle are created.
Спецвипуск «Методичний посібник у журналі» містить посібник П. П. Нечипуренка та Т. О. Шенаєвої з виконання лабораторних робі т з об’ємного методу кількісного хімічного аналізу. У посібнику наведено основні теоретичні відомості про сутність методів титриметричного аналізу, їх особливості та межі застосування; відібрано окремі методики проведення титриметричного аналізу різними методами та детально описано усі етапи їх здійснення. Для студентів хімічних спеціальностей педагогічних ВНЗ, учителів та учнів профільних класів та класів з поглибленим вивченням хімії.