Stable carbon isotope composition (啄 13 C value) was one of the effective methods for measuring the plant water use efficiency (WUE) ,and was already applied in many plants. At present, the study on estimation of the WUE of Cassia obtusifolia L.. by 啄 13 C was a few. In order to prove the reliability of 啄 13 C on measuring WUE for Cassia obtusifolia L., 啄 13 C、 stable carbon isotope discrimination (驻 13 C) 、WUE and the relationship among them are measured in different organs (root, steam, leaf) and different growth stages by pot experiment and 啄 13 C. The results showed that, the 啄 13 C value and 驻 13 C of roots were highest, the next were stems, leaves were minimum, there were significant level in the 啄 13 C value and 驻 13 C in roots in different growth stages, positive relationship were found between the 啄 13 C value and WUE in stems and leaves, negative relationship were found between the 驻 13 C and WUE in stems and leaves. It showed significant positive correlation level among WUE (Potted method) and WUE L 、WUE S 、WUE R (Carbon isotope method) , related coefficient were 0. 86、 0郾 82、0.80 respectively, those showed carbon isotope technology was reliable to determine the WUE of Cassia obtusifolia L..
Light quantity and quality strongly influence plant growth. Solar radiation is one of the main environmental factors driving vegetation carbon assimilation. As one of the natural climatic variables, clouds change the fraction of diffuse radiation arriving on the land surface and can influence carbon dioxide exchange between vegetation and the atmosphere. In this study, CO 2 flux was continuously measured during the vegetative growing season (June鄄August) from 2006 to 2008 by the eddy covariance systems in a mixed plantation in the Xiaolangdi area, Henan province. The clearness index (k t) was used to describe the effects of cloudiness on solar radiation. Clear mornings and afternoons were identified based on the change of k t with solar elevation (茁) at a half鄄day scale. The impacts of cloudiness on the net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide (NEE) were investigated to reveal the mechanism of changes in coordinate of solar radiation and other
摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 渊 杂匀耘晕郧栽粤陨 载哉耘月粤韵冤 摇 摇 第 猿源 卷 第 猿 期摇 摇 圆园员源 年 圆 月摇 渊 半月刊冤 目摇 摇 次 前沿理论与学科综述 灾后生态恢复评价研究进展 刘孝富袁王文杰袁李摇 京袁等 渊缘圆苑冤 噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎 基于生态能量视角的我国小水电可持续性分析 庞明月袁张力小袁王长波 渊缘猿苑冤 噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎 个体与基础生态 北部湾北部海域夏季微型浮游动物对浮游植物的摄食压力 马摇 璐袁曹文清袁张文静袁等 渊缘源远冤 噎噎噎噎噎噎 鲶鱼和胡子鲶的两性异形与雌性个体生育力 樊晓丽袁林植华袁丁先龙袁等 渊缘缘缘冤 噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎 环境温度对白头鹎代谢产热和蒸发失水的影响 林摇 琳袁曹梦婷袁胡益林袁等 渊缘远源冤 噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎 灌溉对沙拐枣幼苗生长及氮素利用的影响 黄彩变袁曾凡江袁雷加强袁等 渊缘苑圆冤 噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎 孕粤匀泽 污染土壤植物修复对酶活性的影响 朱摇 凡袁洪湘琦袁闫文德袁等 渊缘愿员冤 噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎 基于修正 砸陨杂运耘 模型的重庆岩溶地区地下水脆弱性评价 魏兴萍袁蒲俊兵袁赵纯勇 渊缘愿怨冤 噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎 排水沟蓄水条件下农田与排水沟水盐监测 潘延鑫袁罗摇 纨袁贾忠华袁等 渊缘怨苑冤 噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎 种群尧群落和生态系统 高寒退化草地不同海拔梯度狼毒种群分布格局及空间关联性 高福元袁赵成章袁卓马兰草 渊远园缘冤 噎噎噎噎噎噎 捕食者对空心莲子草叶甲种群的生物胁迫 刘雨芳袁李摇 菲袁桂芳艳袁等 渊远员猿冤 噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎 夏尧冬季南海北部浮游植物群落特征 马摇 威袁孙摇 军 渊远圆员冤 噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎 磨盘山天然次生林凋落物数量及动态 范春楠袁郭忠玲袁郑金萍袁等 渊远猿猿冤 噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎 持续干旱对樱桃根际土壤细菌数量及结构多样性影响 刘方春袁邢尚军袁马海林袁等 渊远源圆冤 噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎 随机森林算法基本思想及其在生态学中的应用要 要 要以云南松分布模拟为例 张摇 雷袁王琳琳袁张旭东袁等 渊远缘园冤 噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎 噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎 基于水文平衡的湿地退化驱动因子定量研究 侯摇 鹏袁申文明袁王摇 桥袁等 渊远远园冤 噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎 华北低丘山地人工林蒸散的控制因子 黄摇 辉袁孟摇 平袁张劲松袁等 渊远远苑冤 噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎 新疆天山高寒草原不同放牧管理下的 悦韵 圆 袁悦匀 源 和 晕 圆 韵 通量特征 贺桂香袁李凯辉袁宋摇 韦袁等 渊远苑源冤 噎噎噎噎 景观尧区域和全球生态 宁夏生态足迹影响因子的偏最小二乘回归分析 马明德袁马学娟袁谢应忠袁等 渊远愿圆冤 噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎 引黄灌区土壤有机碳密度剖面特征及固碳速率 董林林袁杨摇 浩袁于东升袁等 渊远怨园冤 噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎 自养微生物同化 悦韵 圆 的分子生态研究及同化碳在土壤中的转化 吴小红袁简摇 燕袁陈晓娟袁等 渊苑园员冤 噎噎噎噎 资源与产业生态 基于能值分析法的矿区循环经济系统生态效率分析 孙玉峰袁 郭全营 渊苑员园冤 噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎 基于 粤阅鄄粤杂 模型的海岸带生态系统综合承载力评估要 要 要以舟山海岸带为例 苏盼盼袁叶属峰袁过仲阳袁等 渊苑员愿冤 噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎 噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎 城乡与社会生态 基于增强回归树和 蕴燥早蚤泽贼蚤糟 回归的城市扩展驱动力分析 李春林袁刘摇 淼袁胡远满袁等 渊苑圆苑冤 噎噎噎噎噎噎噎 研究简报 陕西省不同生态区大气氮素干湿沉降的时空变异 梁摇 婷袁同延安袁林摇 文袁等 渊苑猿愿冤 噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎 不同覆盖方式对旱地果园水热特征的影响 刘小勇袁李红旭袁李建明袁等 渊苑源远冤 噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎 长白山苔原带土壤动物群落结构及多样性 王振海袁殷秀琴袁蒋云峰 渊苑缘缘冤 噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎 最大可允许填海面积模拟要 要 要厦门西海域案例研究 林琛琛袁 饶欢欢袁 刘摇 岩袁等 渊苑远远冤 噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎 学术信息与动态 圆园员猿 年水文土壤学与自然资源可持续利用国际学术研讨会述评 张摇 骁袁赵文武 渊苑苑源冤 噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎噎 期刊基本参数院悦晕 员员鄄圆园猿员 辕 匝鄢员怨愿员鄢皂鄢员远鄢圆缘圆鄢扎澡鄢孕鄢 预 怨园郾 园园鄢员缘员园鄢圆怨鄢圆园员源鄄 园圆 室室室室室室室室室室室室室室 封面图说院 云南松树冠要 要 要云南松为松科松属裸子植物袁多生长在海拔 员园园园要猿缘园园皂 的高山袁喜光尧耐干旱尧耐瘠薄袁适应酸性 的红壤尧黄壤袁在其他树种不能生长的贫瘠石砾地或冲刷严重的荒山坡分布袁易于天然更新遥 主要分布于四川西南 部尧云南尧西藏东南部尧贵州西部尧广西西部袁常形成大面积纯林袁尤以云南分布最广袁故有云南松之称遥 云南松树高 可达 猿园皂袁胸径达 员皂袁树皮呈灰褐色袁叶通常 猿 针一束袁鲜有两针袁球果圆锥状卵圆形袁种子近卵圆形或倒卵形遥 树干 通直袁木质轻软细密袁是优质造纸尧人造板原料袁富含松脂是云南松的重要特点之一遥 彩图及图说提供院 陈建伟教授摇 北京林业大学摇 耘鄄皂葬蚤造院 糟蚤贼藻泽援糟澡藻灶躁憎岳 员远猿援糟燥皂第 34 卷第 3 期 2014 年 2 月 生 态 学 报 Abstract: Water flux was measured continuously in fast growing season ( from June to August) in 2007 and 2008 using the eddy covariance technique in a 30鄄year鄄old mixed plantation ( Quercus variabilis, Robinia pseudoacacia and Platycladus orientalis) in a hilly area of the North China. The results showed that seasonal variation of decoupling coefficient ( 赘) and canopy conductance ( g C ) had a similar pattern. Range of 赘 in 2007 and 2008 were 0. 12-0. 62 and 0. 08-0. 54 respectively. Average values of 赘 in these two years were 0.37 and 0.23. Evapotranspiration ( ET) was mainly controlled by stomatal movement in fast growing season. It was dryer in 2008 than in 2007, and the averages of 赘, gc and ET in 2008were also lower than those in 2007. Stomatal control was the main impact...
Energy balance in the terrestrial ecosystem plays an important role in regional climate and water balance. By using the open鄄path eddy covariance and micrometeorological observation systems, turbulent energy fluxes and available energy were measured in a mixed plantation in the Xiaolangdi area in the North China during the growing season of 2012 (May鄄September). The diurnal and monthly variations of energy balance terms were analyzed, and energy closure and Bowen ratio were discussed. The results showed that the diurnal variation of energy balance terms were similar to that of net radiation, and the variation order of energy balance terms was net radiation >latent heat flux >sensible heat flux >soil heat flux. The time of keeping positives for energy balance terms in a day became shorter from May to September as energy balance terms were influenced by sunshine hour. The maximal net radiation occurred in June with a value of 418.5 MJ m-2
Walnut (Juglans regia L.) is an important economic tree species in rocky mountain of North China, which plays a key role in adjusting agricultural structure and promoting farmers忆 economic income. As a kind of hygrophilous tree species, irrigation is the main measure for the walnut water management in the region located in semi鄄arid zone with limited water resource. So it is necessary to accurately evaluate water consumption of walnut trees during the growing seasons to enhance water use efficiency. The main purpose of this paper is to observe and analyze the individual walnut water consumption and its response to meteorological factors during the growing seasons. Sap flow of walnut trees was measured by thermal dissipation probe (TDP) method and meteorological factors, reference crop evapotranspiration were acquired by automatic weather station and local astronomy data. The study measured, analyzed diurnal and monthly sap flow characteristics of individual trees of Juglans regia L. and the relationship with meteorological factors, reference crop
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