
Below are journals in our system, along with their scite Index (SI) scores from 2023, and a count of how many supporting, mentioning, and contrasting citations they've received in our database. You can sort the table on any combination of columns by shift-clicking, and also filter by the journal and publisher names (case insensitive). Please note that these numbers change regularly as we continue to index publications and add new Smart Citations to our system.
What is the scite Index?
The scite Index (SI) measures how supported publications from a journal are, and is calculated using the following formula:
For example, the 2019 2-year SI includes citations to articles published in 2018 and 2019. There must be at least 100 supporting and/or contrasting cites in the measuring period to receive an SI.

Note: Some of the columns are hidden for this display. To see the full details, please visit this page on a larger screen.

No.JournalPublisher2-Year SI5-Year SILifetime SITotal Cites Contrasting Supporting Mentioning
551.Advanced Energy MaterialsWiley0.940.950.94597,660 1,020 15,470 579,050
552.Proceedings of the Royal Society a Mathematical Physical and Engineering SciencesThe Royal Society-0.950.95198,430 300 5,257 191,536
553.Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta (Bba) - BioenergeticsElsevier BV-0.950.93373,101 1,670 21,310 346,881
554.Trends in Cell BiologyElsevier BV-0.950.95327,474 404 7,224 316,675
555.Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of SolidsElsevier BV-0.950.95246,923 420 8,248 236,049
556.Cellular and Molecular Life SciencesSpringer Science and Business Media LLC0.960.950.92585,397 1,623 17,775 555,272
557.The TQM JournalEmerald-0.950.9135,666 112 1,153 32,133
558.Sustainable Chemistry and PharmacyElsevier BV-0.950.967,517 11 235 7,101
559.Journal of the Geological SocietyGeological Society of London-0.950.94150,286 431 6,616 140,943
560.International ImmunologyOxford University Press (OUP)-0.950.91168,228 924 9,032 156,448
561.Precambrian ResearchElsevier BV-0.950.96158,333 347 7,518 144,967
562.Applied Physics ASpringer Science and Business Media LLC0.940.950.93183,046 657 8,594 171,823
563.Applied Physics ASpringer Science and Business Media LLC0.940.950.93205,339 757 9,771 192,482
564.Fuel Processing TechnologyElsevier BV-0.950.93149,806 444 6,306 139,430
565.Journal of Physics and Chemistry of SolidsElsevier BV0.960.950.94219,885 1,097 16,163 199,535
566.PhytotaxaMagnolia Press-0.950.9337,247 91 1,177 33,590
567.ChempluschemWiley-0.950.9429,546 67 998 28,236
568.StructuresElsevier BV-0.950.9415,563 20 293 14,989
569.Cell Stress and ChaperonesSpringer Science and Business Media LLC-0.950.9253,984 219 2,615 50,392
570.Journal of Ginseng ResearchElsevier BV-0.950.9319,786 49 618 18,926
571.ChemcatchemWiley0.940.950.95156,922 338 5,815 149,192
572.Nature Reviews GeneticsSpringer Science and Business Media LLC-0.950.93633,594 777 10,145 614,746
573.Inorganica Chimica ActaElsevier BV-0.950.96239,846 747 17,386 218,475
574.Polymer TestingElsevier BV-0.950.9590,221 217 4,110 84,189
575.Inorganic ChemistryAmerican Chemical Society (ACS)0.950.950.951,738,904 6,090 122,251 1,593,395