
Below are journals in our system, along with their scite Index (SI) scores from 2023, and a count of how many supporting, mentioning, and contrasting citations they've received in our database. You can sort the table on any combination of columns by shift-clicking, and also filter by the journal and publisher names (case insensitive). Please note that these numbers change regularly as we continue to index publications and add new Smart Citations to our system.
What is the scite Index?
The scite Index (SI) measures how supported publications from a journal are, and is calculated using the following formula:
For example, the 2019 2-year SI includes citations to articles published in 2018 and 2019. There must be at least 100 supporting and/or contrasting cites in the measuring period to receive an SI.

Note: Some of the columns are hidden for this display. To see the full details, please visit this page on a larger screen.

No.JournalPublisher2-Year SI5-Year SILifetime SITotal Cites Contrasting Supporting Mentioning
601.Frontiers in Astronomy and Space SciencesFrontiers Media SA0.970.950.9510,770 26 479 10,232
602.Molecular Plant-Microbe InteractionsScientific Societies-0.950.92237,344 749 9,078 223,575
603.Energy Sources Part a Recovery Utilization and Environmental EffectsInforma UK Limited-0.950.9322,423 52 704 21,273
604.The Journal of Chemical PhysicsAIP Publishing0.950.950.934,915,290 16,043 228,717 4,642,159
605.Molecular MicrobiologyWiley-0.950.931,167,752 3,909 48,391 1,107,080
606.Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical EngineersElsevier BV-0.950.9345,554 128 1,761 42,808
607.MaterialiaElsevier BV-0.950.958,861 26 486 8,262
608.PhotosyntheticaInstitute of Experimental Botany-0.950.9335,208 219 3,129 30,751
609.Chinese Journal of Chemical EngineeringElsevier BV-0.950.9226,579 69 843 25,220
610.Applied Mathematics and ComputationElsevier BV-0.950.95235,561 139 2,724 230,354
611.Physics of PlasmasAIP Publishing0.930.950.94510,333 1,625 25,686 481,230
612.Oxidative Medicine and Cellular LongevityHindawi Limited0.950.950.94204,356 485 7,635 192,561
613.International Journal of Cosmetic ScienceWiley-0.950.9139,095 136 1,363 36,121
614.Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IpaUniversitas Mataram-0.950.952,818 8 140 2,146
615.Journal of Experimental Agriculture InternationalSciencedomain International-0.950.901,889 27 235 1,431
616.Applied Surface ScienceElsevier BV0.940.950.94701,348 2,164 35,456 655,444
617.2d MaterialsIOP Publishing-0.950.9363,141 268 3,830 58,813
618.International Journal of SurgeryElsevier BV-0.950.89122,988 686 5,496 112,177
619.Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section a Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated EquipmentElsevier BV-0.950.93372,259 549 7,793 359,987
620.International Journal of Qualitative MethodsSAGE Publications-0.950.9748,546 13 376 46,524
621.Journal of Electroanalytical ChemistryElsevier BV0.910.950.94435,150 1,548 25,535 402,090
622.Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid MechanicsElsevier BV-0.950.94103,816 378 6,105 96,047
623.Chemistry - An Asian JournalWiley-0.950.94108,309 210 3,080 103,993
624.Human & Experimental ToxicologySAGE Publications-0.950.8957,983 409 3,406 52,504
625.Nuclear FusionIOP Publishing0.950.950.94327,792 1,161 19,673 305,452