In Cyber Physical Systems there is a growing use of high speed sensors like photo and video camera, radio and light detection and ranging (Radar/Lidar) sensors. Hence Cyber Physical Systems can benefit from the high communication data rate, several Gbps, that can be provided by mm-wave wireless transceivers. At such high frequency the wavelength is few mm and hence the whole transciever including the antenna can be integrated in a single chip. To this aim this paper presents the design of 60 GHz transciever architecture to ensure connection distances up to 10 m and data rate up to 4 Gbps. At 60 GHz there are more than 7 GHz of unlicensed bandwidth (available for free for development of new services). By using a CMOS SOI technology RF, analog and digital baseband circuitry can be integrated in the same chip minimizing noise coupling. Even the antenna is integrated on chip reducing cost and size vs. classic off-chip antenna solutions. Therefore the proposed transciever can enable at physical layer the implementation of low cost nodes for a Cyber Physical System with data rates of several Gbps and with a communication distance suitable for home/office scenarios, or on-board vehicles such as cars, trains, ships, airplanes.
Needs of High Speed Wireless Connections in Cyber Physical SystemsCyber Physical Systems are feedback systems where sensing, actuation, and processing is usually distributed among several nodes (Electronic Control Units, Actuator Control units and smart sensors) connected through digital networks, both cabled or wireless [1,2]. Indeed most of today control systems are realized according to a distributed paradigm to improve the scalability and flexibility of the solution, to increase the interoperability of subsystems from different providers/vendors, to reduce the "single point of failure" risk of a centralized approach.A key issue in emerging Cyber Physical Systems is the networking at high speed of all the nodes belonging to the network. In this scenario there is a growing use of high speed sensors like photo and video camera, radio and light detection and ranging (Radar/Lidar) sensors, photo detectors and so on, to increase the knowledge of the environment where the system is operating, and to increase the amount of data acquired and used by the "cyber" part of the system to make a decision/actuation. This increases the need for high speed communications, with wireless connections to avoid wiring harness, beyond 1 Gbps [3][4][5]. Hence at the physical level of a Cyber Physical System there is the need of high speed wireless solutions reaching data rates well beyond the tens of Mbps offered today by Wireless LAN or Bluetooth devices. To this aim some standardization initiatives such as the Wi-Gig alliance have been already started and a new IEEE 802.11ad standard is emerging [6-8]. Smart Sensors, Actuators, and MEMS VII; and Cyber Physical Systems, edited by José L. Sánchez-Rojas, Riccardo Brama, et. al., Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9517, 95172L · © 2015 SPIE CCC code: 0277-786X/15/$18 ·