While CMOS scaling is currently reaching its limits in power dissipation and circuit density, the analogy between biology and silicon is emerging as a solution to ultra-low-power signal processing. Urgent applications involving artificial vision and audition, including intelligent sensing, appeal original energy efficient and ultra-miniaturized silicon-based solutions. While state-of-the-art is focusing on digital-oriented solutions, this paper proposes a neuromorphic analog signal processor using Izhikevich-based artificial neurons in an analog spiking modulator. A varicap-based artificial neuron is explored reducing the silicon area to 98:6 lm 2 and the substrate leakage to a 1:95 fJ=spike efficiency. Post-layout simulation results are presented to investigate the high-resolution, high-speed, and full-scale dynamic range for audio signal processing applications. The proposal demonstrates a 9 bits spiking-modulator resolution, a maximum of 8 fJ=conv efficiency, and a root-mean-square error of 0:63 mV RMS .