In this paper, the address discharge characteristics of high-Xe PDPs with high-gamma cathode materials were investigated. It will be shown that the address discharge characteristics such as the dynamic voltage margin and the address discharge time lag of high-Xe PDP with MgO-SrO double cathode layer and one with MgCaO single cathode layer can be improved by inducing stable, continuous weak discharges during the reset period with a newly designed waveform. The deposition of pure MgO powder on high gamma cathode material has also proved to be effective in reducing the address discharge time lag of high-Xe PDP. (a) Dynamic voltage margin (b) Address discharge time lag Figure 6. Address discharge characteristics of test panels with high-gamma cathode materials to which the proposed driving waveform is applied 7.2 / K.-W. Whang SID 2012 DIGEST • 63