The impacting of knowledge/skills in the technical college in the recent time in the modern world is by coaching students with 3D computer animated-content in the Western world. The usage of the 3D computer animated-content, makes coaching to be real to students, they see and feel the objects which they use to learn. Eighty-one (81) students was deployed for the probe, sampling of students was not done because of the population that was deployed for the probe, all the students that offers motor vehicle mechanics work in the selected technical colleges were deployed for the probe. The apparatus that was deployed for the probe was motor vehicles mechanics work feat test, was validated using fifteen students from practical college in Anambra State. Three lecturers were deployed for the validation, after the validation a reliability test was conducted and it was detected that the reliability of the apparatus was 0.73, meaning that the apparatus was reliable. Two probe question were raised to guide the probe and two hypotheses were formulated at 0.05 level of implication, to check for level of implication using (ANCOVA) to check the level of implication. Findings were made, and conclusion was also made by the investigator at the end of the probe.