Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is one of the most common diseases around the world, especially in Europe. Recent data indicated that about 202 million people have this disease, while the number increased to 230 million people infected in 2015. As a result, powerful computational tools have been developed as a result of the PAD study's widespread interest. However, a lot of scientists do not have the resources, expertise, or time necessary to install and use command line tools or to deal with large datasets. As a result, fast, dependable, attractive, and powerful applications are required. There are two main types of applications: native and web. Native applications are platform-specific and are created with specialized programming languages and Software Development Kits, whereas Web applications are platform-independent web pages that look and feel like native apps in many respects. A progressive web application (PWA) is a type of web application which works offline. The experience is enhanced by a set of features that provide the app depth to engage users, reliability regardless of Internet connection quality and sufficient speed so that no one needs to wait for content to load. The initial version of the DECODE cloud platform has been designed as two web applications, one for front-end users and the other for back-end users to save, process, and visualize the dataset images.