We show 64 GBd 4ASK signaling with a silicon-organic hybrid Mach-Zehnder modulator, allowing data rates of up to 128 Gbit/s. The device is operated at room temperature and at 80 °C. OCIS codes: (060.4080) Modulation; (250.7360) Waveguide modulators; (250.5300) Photonic integrated circuits.
IntroductionThe increasing demand for high data rates in telecom and datacom networks calls for high-performance, compact and cost-efficient modulators. Silicon photonics as integration platform is especially attractive for such devices, exploiting mature CMOS processing for large-scale photonic integration and paving the path towards co-integration with electronics [1]. Since silicon itself does not exhibit any electro-optic effect due to inversion symmetry of the crystal lattice, current silicon modulators have to rely on free-carrier injection or depletion [2], which limits device performance. The highest symbol rates hitherto achieved with an all-silicon device amounts to 56 GBd, demonstrated for QPSK signaling at a bit error ratio of 1 10 -2 [3], leading to a line rate of 112 Gbit/s. For simple on-offkeying (OOK), the highest demonstrated symbol rate is slightly smaller and amounts to 50 GBd [4]. While these are impressive figures, the performance of all-silicon devices is limited by the intrinsically low modulation efficiency of carrier-depletion phase modulators, leading to voltage length-products of the order of U π L = 10 Vmm or more. Signaling hence requires comparatively long devices and high modulation voltages with peak-to-peak swings of typically 5 V pp . These limitations can be overcome by silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) integration, which combines conventional silicon-on-insulator (SOI) waveguides with organic electro-optic (EO) materials to realize highly efficient and compact phase shifters with voltage-length products of down to U π L = 0.5 Vmm [5], [6]. The SOH approach allows signaling with record-low energy consumption [6], [7] and is particularly well suited for generation of higher-order modulation formats [8] at record line rates of up 160 Gbit/s [9]. However, despite these advantages in performance, practical deployment of SOH devices has so far been impeded by rather low temperature stability of the associated electro-optic materials. Moreover, symbol rates of SOH devices are still lagging behind that of their allsilicon counterparts with record values of 45 GBd demonstrated for an SOH QPSK modulator [9].In this paper we demonstrate generation of 4ASK signals with symbol rates of up to 64 GBd and line rates of up to 128 Gbit/s in an SOH Mach-Zehnder modulator. This is the highest symbol rate demonstrated for a silicon photonic modulator and the highest data rate achieved in a silicon-based Mach-Zehnder device so far. The modulators are based on an electro-optic material with increased temperature stability, which enables heating of the modulator to 80 °C while performing high-speed signaling. This is the first demonstration of SOH device operation at elevated temperatures and might be a first step tow...