355,260) Bcr. C 47,33 H 3,97 N 3,9404 Gcf. C 47,34 H 4,23 N 3,81% Finanziclle Unterstiitzung verttanltcn wir den1 Schweiz. Nationutfonds. LITERATURVERZETCHNI S 111 (13. WIT. 71)S'ummuvy. Starting from the 12,13-epoxy-trichothecancs roridin C (trichodermol) (l), verrucarol (15) and trichothccolone (25), the isomeric 2~,13-epoxp-apotrichothecancs 9, 20 and 33 have been synthcsized. I n these compounds the oxetanc group proved t o be unexpectedly stable to mincral acids and complex metal hydrides, probably due t o its fusion t o a cyclopentanc ring. Thc I R . and NMR. spectra of the oxetanes are discussed.