One novel means of biofuel production requires the reduction of nitrite ions to produce ammonia (which serves as an electron source for genetically-modified, carbon dioxide-fixing bacteria). The feasibility of this process depends on the performance of both the electrochemical reactor and a coupled bioreactor. We report on characterization of the electrochemical process involving nitrite reduction to ammonia in buffered electrolytes in the pH range between 6.0 and 8.0. A limiting current plateau was observed and determined to be due to flux of phosphate buffer (the primary source of protons) to the electrode surface. Importantly to the development of a sustainable process, current efficiencies of nitrite reduction to ammonia of 100% on both nickel and glassy carbon electrodes are possible. A divided flow-by porous electrode cell was designed as a proof of principle by coupling it to the bioreactor. It was observed that the overpotential of glassy carbon cathode decreased by ∼500 mV over 10 days which would correspond to 24% decrease in power requirements for the electrochemical reactor.As global energy consumption increases, efficient biofuel production from renewable energy resources may be increasingly important. Current methods frequently rely on natural photosynthesis, but these photosynthetic approaches suffer from low energy conversion efficiencies. The maximum theoretical biomass production efficiency from photosynthesis is 11.9%, and in real systems is closer to one percent. 1 Additionally, the conversion of biomass to biofuels that are compatible with the transportation-fuels infrastructure presents a challenge. New approaches with improved energy to biomass/biofuel conversion efficiency are presently being considered. Figure 1 illustrates one approach in which electrical energy is used indirectly to reduce carbon dioxide into a target fuel or chemical. Such a system, which is essentially a microbial fuel cell running in reverse, has the potential to direct renewable energy into high energy organic compounds. One manifestation of this approach was demonstrated by Li et al. using the lithoautotrophic organism Ralstonia eutrophia. 2 A bioreactor containing this organism is coupled to an electrochemical reactor that can reduce CO 2 to CHOO − . The organism takes in CHOO − from the electrochemical reactor and it is genetically engineered to produce isobutanol and 3-methyl-1-butanol. In our approach, we avoid the necessity of electrochemical reduction of CO 2 and instead rely on the biological reduction of CO 2 using a chemolithoautotrophic organism.Using electrical energy to drive bacteria to produce chemicals has been explored in microbial electrolysis cells in which cells have direct contact with an electrode. 3-5 The system proposed here features an electrochemical reactor (for energy capture) and a bioreactor (for bioproduction) that are spatially and temporally decoupled. This decoupling allows for independent optimization of both processes.