Data on the kinetics and mechanism of the three-Data on the kinetics and mechanism of the threedimensional radical polymerisation of multifunctional vinyl dimensional radical polymerisation of multifunctional vinyl monomers (oligomers) containing two (or more) double bonds monomers (oligomers) containing two (or more) double bonds are generalised and analysed. The history of this field of research is are generalised and analysed. The history of this field of research is briefly outlined. The characteristic feature of the mechanism of briefly outlined. The characteristic feature of the mechanism of three-dimensional radical polymerisation, three-dimensional radical polymerisation, i.e i.e., microheterogene-., microheterogeneity, is considered. Special attention is focused on recent advances ity, is considered. Special attention is focused on recent advances (last decade) in studies of three-dimensional radical polymer-(last decade) in studies of three-dimensional radical polymerisation associated with the development of new techniques isation associated with the development of new techniques (fiber-optic techniques, information technologies, (fiber-optic techniques, information technologies, etc. etc.). Consid-). Consideration is given to methodological aspects of kinetic experiments eration is given to methodological aspects of kinetic experiments in highly cross-linked reaction media in which three-dimensional in highly cross-linked reaction media in which three-dimensional radical polymerisation proceeds. The bibliography includes 223 radical polymerisation proceeds. The bibliography includes 223 references references. .