Flip-flops are essential building blocks of sequential digital circuits, but typically occupy a substantial proportion of chip area and consume significant amounts of power. This work proposes 18TSPC, a new topology of fully-static contention-free Single-Phase Clocked (SPC) Flip-Flop (FF) with only 18 transistors, the lowest number reported for this type. Implemented in 65nm CMOS, it achieves 20% cell area reduction compared to the conventional Transmission Gate FF (TGFF). Simulation results show the proposed 18TSPC is 3 times more efficient than TGFF in the Energy-Delay space. To demonstrate EDA compatibility and circuit/system-level benefits, a shift-register and an AES-128 encryption engine have been implemented. Chip experimental measurements at 0.6V, 25 • C show that, compared to TGFF, the proposed 18TSPC achieves reductions of 68% and 73% in overall and clock dynamic power, respectively, and 27% lower leakage.