“…[23][24][25][26][27][28] A signicant breakthrough is contributed by enlarged evaporation surfaces, 29,30 additional energy harvesting from the surrounding air, [31][32][33] utilization of convective airow, 34 and the recycling of latent heat released from water vapor condensation. 14 The common geometric congurations of 3D photothermal evaporators, which are either articially shaped or retain the original gures of the carbonized biomass materials, have been demonstrated in the form of a cylindrical cup, 35,36 coil, 37 cone, 38 umbrella, 39 cylinder, 40,41 ower, 42 block, 43 sphere, 44,45 etc., which have resulted in a signicant improvement in the evaporation performance. 46,47 However, 3D spatial modeling of evaporators tends to occupy more storage space, inicting additional costs on long-distance transportation and long-term storage.…”