In many-body localized systems, propagation of information forms a light cone that grows logarithmically with time. However, local changes in energy or other conserved quantities typically spread only within a finite distance. Is it possible to detect the logarithmic light cone generated by a local perturbation from the response of a local operator at a later time? We numerically calculate various correlators in the random-field Heisenberg chain. While the equilibrium retarded correlator A(t = 0)B (t > 0) is not sensitive to the unbounded information propagation, the out-of-time-ordered corre- In the presence of disorder, localization can occur not only in single-particle systems [1], but also in interacting many-body systems [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12]. The former is known as Anderson localization (AL), and the latter is called manybody localization (MBL). Neither AL nor MBL systems transfer energy, charge, or other local conserved quantities: Changes in energy or charge at position x = 0 from equilibrium can spread and lead to changes in the corresponding quantity only within a finite distance |x| < L 0 , where L 0 is the localization length.A characteristic feature that distinguishes MBL from AL lies in the dynamics of entanglement after a global quench. Initialized in a random product state at time t = 0, the half-chain entanglement entropy remains bounded in AL systems [13], but grows logarithmically with time in MBL systems [14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21]. In sharp contrast to the transport phenomena, the unbounded growth of entanglement in MBL systems suggests that information propagates throughout the system, although very slowly.The propagation of information can be formulated by adapting the Lieb-Robinson (LR) bound [22][23][24] to the present context. In particular, it is manifested as the noncommutativity of a local operator A at x = 0 and t = 0 with another local operator B at position x and evolved for some time t . In MBL systems, the operator norm of the commutator [A(0, 0), B (x, t )] is non-negligible inside a light cone whose radius is given by |x| ∼ log |t |, and decays exponentially with distance outside the light cone, i.e. [25],after averaging over disorder. Here, B (x, t ) = e i H t B (x, 0)e −i H t is the time-evolved operator; · is the operator norm (the largest singular value); C , v LR , ξ are positive constants.Is it possible to detect the logarithmic light cone (LLC) with equilibrium correlators of A(0, 0) and B (x, t )? Arguably the most straightforward approach is to measure the commutator in the LR bound (1) on equilibrium states, i.e., thermal states or eigenstates, using the Kubo formula in linear response theory: (2) where U = e −i Aτ with τ 1 is a local unitary perturbation if A is Hermitian. The first and second terms on the lefthand side of (2) are the expectation values of B in the presence and absence of the perturbation U , respectively. The difference is the effect of U observed by measuring B . Note that U and B can be, but do not have to be, chosen as the op...