We present a hydrogel-based affinity microsensor for continuous glucose
measurements. The microsensor is based on microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)
technology, and incorporates a synthetic hydrogel that is attached to the device
surface via in situ polymerization. Glucose molecules that
diffuses into and out of the device binds reversibly with boronic acid groups in
the hydrogel via affinity binding, and causes changes in the dielectric
properties of the hydrogel, which can be measured using a MEMS capacitive
transducer to determine the glucose concentration. The use of the in
situ polymerized hydrogel eliminates mechanical moving parts found
in other types of affinity microsensors, as well as mechanical barriers such as
semipermeable membranes that are otherwise required to hold the
glucose-sensitive material. This facilitates the miniaturization and robust
operation of the microsensor, and can potentially improve the tolerance of the
device, when implanted subcutaneously, to biofouling. Experimental results
demonstrate that in a glucose concentration range of 0–500 mg/dL and
with a resolution of 0.35 mg/dL or better, the microsensor exhibits a repeatable
and reversible response, and can potentially be useful for continuous glucose
monitoring in diabetes care.