Green marketing is revolutionizing all aspects of business including organic food industry. Few years back, it was hard for consumers to identify themselves with organic food but with a developed consciousness through green marketing, they are consuming such food in a larger quantity. The purpose of this study was to check the impact of green marketing on organic food identity and also to see the mediating roles of environmental, health, and social consciousness in this respective relationship. Thailand is emerging as one of the largest consumers of organic food and this study has collected data from its 308 residents through questionnaire-based survey. The results of structural equation modeling have shown that green marketing enhances organic food identity while social and health consciousness significantly mediate the relationship between them. However, the mediating role of environmental consciousness was observed insignificant in the relationship between green marketing and organic food identity. Originality of this study is in the mediating roles of consciousness dimensions which were not observed previously. Implications of this study are for food consumers, organic food manufacturers and the government of Thailand.
K E Y W O R D Senvironmental consciousness, green marketing, health consciousness, organic food identity, social consciousness | 75 JERMSITTIPARSERT ET Al.