Toxocarosis can be manifested by pathology of various organs and systems of the body, occurring under the mask of many diseases. This dictates necessitates a more thorough familiarization with this pathology of doctors of various specialties, in particular, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, therapists, neuropathologists. The article describes a clinical case of successful diagnosis and treatment of the most severe, in terms of consequences, the forms of this disease – cerebral toxocarosis. Timely diagnosis of pathology includes cerebral MRI and immunological studies of blood serum for the presence of antitoxocarosis antibodies. Albendazole – a broad-spectrum antihelminthic drug has proven to be highly effective in the therapy of this pathology. Proper diagnosis and, as a result, adequate therapy are the guarantors of a favorable outcome in this form of the disease. Keywords: Toxocarosis, brain, diagnostics, treatment, albendazole