In today’s era of globalization, prevention plays an important role in the field of health science. Excess us-age of gadgets like use of computers, ipads and smart phones is leading to over functioning of eyes. Eyes are the windows to the mind. among the five sense organs Ayurveda gives prime importance to eyes. Now-a-days changed work expectations requiring prolonged working hours in front of computers, nutritional deficiency, pollution, stress, indiscriminate use of topical ocular drugs and increased incidence of allergic disorders, etc. lead to eye diseases. Suffering from ocular disorders with uncorrected refractive error in children result into adverse effect on quality of life and significantly affect their vision, education and psy-chosocial development. Working in artificial light either dim light or bright light is another culprit for dete-rioration of ocular health so emphasis should be laid on the prevention of these, as eyes are the most im-portant and sensitive of five sense organs in human body. Ayurveda is one of the greatest gifts to mankind. In Ayurveda, selected classical daily regimes like Netraprakshalana (eye wash), Anjana (collyrium), Snana(bath), Padabhyanga (foot massage with oil), Nasya (nasal application of drugs), wholesome and unwholesome dietetics are promoted as high-end measures for the maintenance of eye-health. Various Netravyayamas (eye exercises), Yogasanas, Pranayamas, Neti and Trataka are said to be beneficial for the same cause. The main aim of this review is to promote and spread the awareness about maintenance of oc-ular health and prevention from the earlier causation of ocular diseases.