Most of the problems of the present times may be attributed to the vitiated thought process and emotions of human beings. Be it the occurrence of physical or mental disorders at the individual level, or the problems in family, society, and the world, the root cause may be attributed to various kinds of vicious human tendencies like jealousy, ego, greed, discontentment, selfishness, etc. Although modern science now realizes the role of vicious human tendencies in the occurrence worldwide problems, yet, as of now, it doesn’t seem to have effective methods for the resolution of these vicious tendencies.Ancient Indian culture provides various methods for the resolution of vicious human tendencies, and yagya is one of the prime methodologies in this regard. Various aspects of yagya deal with the development of righteous values and virtuous tendencies in human beings, through the cleansing of the subtle realms of consciousness (thoughts and emotions), as well as the subtle environment. The present article described various dimensions of the philosophical principles of yagya associated with the purification of the subtle realms, as well as their implications.The basic principle of yagya represents and develops altruistic feelings and actions. The development of altruistic attitude leads to growth of benevolent sentiments and compassion, which can prevent the arousal of criminal tendencies. An outlook based on the philosophy of yagya can resolve war-like tensions prevalent in the modern world; it can promote sincere discussion on issues faced by humanity and their resolution. The philosophical principles associated with the fire ritual of yagya promote cooperation, sharing and benevolence. Fire of yagya imparts six philosophical teachings through its physical and subtle conduct; adoption of these teachings in one's nature can awaken righteous tendencies, leading to all-round peace and well-being. Various other components of the fire ritual like the herbal mixture, mantras, prayers, etc. contribute in cleansing the subtle realm.Thus, the philosophical principles of yagya, associated with the purification of subtle realm, can be effective in the development of righteous values and virtuous tendencies in human beings, which in turn can lead to the resolution of various problems faced by humanity today.