In Fig. 6, Eg (opt) vs. CH~% are shown for undoped, P-type and N-type a-SiC:H. The Eg (opt) increases monotonically with increasing CH4% in all cases. But the rates of increase in Eg (opt) with increasing CH4% are different. The order of the rate is as follows: Undoped is the first, N-type the second, and P-type the third. The rate of undoped and N-type are nearly the same. It seems that there is a small shoulder in the curves of Eg (opt) of all the a-SiC: H at nearly 40% of CH4. The Eg (opt) shrinkage was observed only for P-type a-SiC:H with increasing dopant concentration.
Summary and DiscussionWe found the clear maxima in ~D in the P-type glowdischarged a-Si: H films. The origin of this peak has not yet been clarified. But it is worthy of note that the dopant and hydrogen form dopant-hydrogen complexes (6). The shoulder of the ~ph of P-type a-SiC: H reported by Tawada et al.(3) seems to be located right above the ~D peak, and the recovery of the cph by boron doping, as reported in the literature, seems to be related to th ~D peak. The peak appears to result from the two curves. One is the up slope curve and the other is the down slope one. It is inferred that the increase in ~D in the up slope curve is caused by more incorporation of boron which becomes electrically active in accordance with the increase in the flow rate of CH4, while the decrease in ~D in the range over 30% of the flow rate of CH4 is concerned v~ith the degradation of quality of the a-SiC:H and increase in Eg (opt) by the higher concentration of carbon. Studies on the origin of the peak in ~'D for the P-type a-SiC:H is presently being planned.ABSTRACT Epitaxial growth of single-crystal Si films has been realized on the (100), (110), and (111) crystallographic planes of yttria-stabilized, cubic zirconia single crystals. The Si films were grown by chemical vapor deposition, using the pyrolysis of Sill4 at temperatures in the range 950 ~ 1075~ and at deposition rates of 0.08-1.2 ~m/min. A predeposition annealing procedure has been developed, resulting in a quasi-stable, oxygen-deficient zirconia surface. A model is presented to explain the dependence of oxygen kinetics in cubic zirconia on temperature and yttria content. The heteroepitaxial Si films have been characterized by optical and scanning electron microscopies, reflection electron diffraction, x-ray diffraction, Rutherford backscattering and channeling, and surface electrical conductivity and Hall effect measurements. Several 0.4-0.5 ~m thick (100)-and (110)-oriented Si films on cubic zirconia were found to be of higher crystal quality than commercial (100) Si on sapphire films of similar thickness.) unless CC License in place (see abstract). address. Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see Downloaded on 2016-03-28 to IP