Rain shadow effects of individual shrubs (RSEISs) during wind-influenced rain events influence the redistribution of net rainfall, which is especially important in waterlimited ecosystems. Two shrub species, Caragana korshinskii, which has an inverted conical shape and large crown size, and Artemisia ordosica, which has a hemispheroidal shape and small crown size, were selected for study in the southeast edge of the Manzano et al., 2017). The redistribution of water by the Abbreviations: CV Direction , Coefficient of variation in throughfall amongst positions in the same direction from the trunk but at different distances, %; CV Distance , Coefficient of variation in throughfall amongst positions at the same distance from the trunk but in different directions, %; CV Total , Coefficient of variation of total throughfall, %; GR, Gross rainfall in an individual rain event, mm; PAI, Plant area index, m 2 /m 2 ; RD, Rainfall duration, h; T Direction , Throughfall across the crown at positions in the same direction from the trunk but at different distances, mm; T Direction /GR, Percentage of gross rainfall that occurs as throughfall in a given direction from the trunk, %; T Distance , Throughfall across the crown at positions the same distance from the trunk but in different directions, mm; T Distance /GR, Percentage of gross rainfall that occurs as throughfall at a given distance from the trunk, %; T Total , Total throughfall over the entire crown, mm; T Total /GR, Percentage of gross rainfall that occurs as throughfall across the shrub crown, %; WS, Wind speed within a rainfall event, m/s