This study explored how three of Davao City's reputable and veteran journalists viewed fake news, and what they perceived as its causes and consequences. Since the term fake news elicits public attention because of its role in international and national elections, problems have been attributed to it. From in-depth interviews with the participants, results revealed that they viewed fake news as fabricated, unacceptable, causing ignorance, and moneymaking. The causes were pointed out as can be done by anyone, deliberate and motivated, and for pro it. They identi ied the consequences as negative but entertaining, leading to generalized judgment of news, and destructive. In conclusion, the effects of fake news must be understood by society because it affects everyone. In a democratic society which engages every individual to be involved in every dialogue, it is important for the press and the public to understand that fake news can come from anyone in the city, in the country or in the world.