Recognizing the importance of information technologies in teaching and learning contexts, the Municipality of Fafe, in line with the Ministry of Education, assumes much of the responsibility in educational policy. This paper presents a pilot project in the field of innovative learning environments resulting from a long and mature process within the Intermunicipal Education Council of CIM Ave, aligned with the Inclusive Growth Plan of Ave, which was at the basis of the Innovative Integrated Plan to Combat School Failure (PIICIE Ave). Its main objective is to improve the quality of learning through experimental and innovative approaches at the level of educational practices. To develop this study, a case study methodology of exploratory nature was used following a qualitative approach, in which a contemporary case is explored through data collection using different sources of information, such as observation, interviews, and reports. The adoption of six technologically equipped "classrooms of the future" enabled student-centered learning, increasing student motivation and multidisciplinary achievement.