More than 100,000 community wells have been installed in the 150–300 m
depth range throughout Bangladesh over the past decade to provide low-arsenic drinking
water (<10 μg/L As), but little is known about how aquifers tapped by
these wells are recharged. Within a 25 km2 area of Bangladesh east of Dhaka,
groundwater from 65 low-As wells in the 35–240 m depth range was sampled for
tritium (3H), oxygen and hydrogen isotopes of water
(18O/16O and 2H/1H), carbon isotope ratios
in dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC, 14C/12C and
13C/12C), noble gases, and a suite of dissolved constituents,
including major cations, anions, and trace elements. At shallow depths (<90 m), 24
out of 42 wells contain detectable 3H of up to 6 TU, indicating the presence of
groundwater recharged within 60 years. Radiocarbon (14C) ages in DIC range from
modern to 10 kyr. In the 90–240 m depth range, however, only 5 wells shallower
than 150 m contain detectable 3H (<0.3 TU) and 14C ages of
DIC cluster around 10 kyr. The radiogenic helium (4He) content in groundwater
increases linearly across the entire range of 14C ages at a rate of
2.5×10−12 ccSTP 4He g−1
yr−1. Within the samples from depths >90 m, systematic
relationships between 18O/16O, 2H/1H,
13C/12C and 14C/12C, and variations in noble
gas temperatures, suggest that changes in monsoon intensity and vegetation cover occurred
at the onset of the Holocene, when the sampled water was recharged. Thus, the deeper
low-As aquifers remain relatively isolated from the shallow, high-As aquifer.