Previous investigations of the systematics of Neotropical pipits Anthus revealed multiple cases of paraphyly. We revised the species limits of this group based on sequence data of mitochondrial (ND2) and nuclear genes (ACOI9, MB, FGB5) from 39 tissue samples of all 22 subspecies‐level taxa in the New World Anthus clade, as well as analysis of display song. We found that Anthus lutescens peruvianus is not part of Yellowish Pipit Anthus lutescens genetically or vocally; thus, we elevate peruvianus to species rank (Peruvian Pipit). Anthus lutescens abariensis Chubb (Bull. Br. Orn. Club., 41, 1921a, 79) should be placed in synonymy with Anthus lutescens parvus (instead of A. l. lutescens), at least until further morphological or vocal data become available. Paramo Pipit Anthus bogotensis is likewise paraphyletic, with Anthus meridae sister to all other bogotensis subspecies and also to Hellmayr's Pipit Anthus hellmayri. However, placement of the taxon is based on a relatively short stretch of mitochondrial DNA, and further data are needed. Andean populations of Short‐billed Pipit Anthus furcatus are split as Puna Pipit Anthus brevirostris, based on genetic and vocal data. South Georgia Pipit Anthus antarcticus is, at least genetically, part of Correndera Pipit Anthus correndera, and we recommend considering it a subspecies of Correndera Pipit, in line with the taxonomy of other morphologically distinct but genetically little‐differentiated insular bird taxa.